Running up that hill

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F I N A L L Y.

As I promised, this is the second part of "everything is embarrassing" after a decade later. I hope you enjoy this like I enjoyed writing it, and as always, let me know what do you think about it!

Listen to this amazing song (thank you POSE for introducing it to me) and remember that italics = flashbacks. 🤞


The night was cold and the moon was shining in a way that made the blonde hair of the two girls who were lonely in that alley shine in a beautiful way. Trixie and Willam had been best friends since they could remember. The mother of the first girl was killed when she was younger, so, as orphans, the two of them decided to protect each other from anything that happened.

"Look, my car," Trixie joked when she saw a red convertible, clearly owned by someone with money.

"It's my car, dumbass. My driver is coming to pick me up for shopping; I need a new lion fur coat that matches the new carpet that my husband Jared bought on his trip to Italy," the girl replied with a British accent to make her friend laugh, although she ended up laughing in the process.

But suddenly, that car stopped in front of them, and they both stopped laughing.

"Oh," Trixie murmured, genuinely surprised. Usually, they had customers who were accompanied by old and trashy cars, so they could count with the fingers of one hand the occasions when some asshole with money was interested in them, "It's my turn, you went with the last one, and they bought you shrimps for dinner." Willam cursed herself, having a tantrum as if it were a little girl who was denied a toy but still asked her to be very careful.

Trixie walked slowly to that vehicle, trying to make her hips move back and forth so that the stranger would be interested in her. She sighed before hitting the glass softly and trying to show a seductive smile.

"Hi, are you looking for some company?" She asked with a flirtatious smile before she realized it was a girl.

But she wasn't just any girl.

She was the most beautiful that her eyes had ever seen. The woman had blonde hair up to her shoulders, her lips red like a couple of cherries, and a pair of intense blue eyes that betrayed her, letting Trixie know how nervous she was.

"Maybe? If you are comfortable with that," that stranger replied honestly but still without looking a Trixie because she was clearly embarrassed, "I mean, if you don't want to be with a girl, I can understand it. I just... Oh god," she murmured once when she saw the girl outside her car waiting for her.

Trixie had stolen her breath, and she found that completely adorable.

"I'm fine with that, honey," Trixie said with a smile before scanning the car, "Are you going to let me in?"

"Oh! Yeah, yeah, sure."

The blonde in a pink mini skirt opened her eyes with surprise when the girl came out to open the door as if they were on a date. She couldn't describe how fast her heart started to beat as time went by, and they headed for a place in an area completely unknown to Trixie, and clearly, the girl was about to faint when they arrived at what seemed to be a five-star hotel.

"Wait a second. This is some plan to sacrifice a hooker for the pleasure of some Hollywood cult or some shit like that?"

The blue-eyed girl looked at her confused for seconds before bursting into a laugh that released a crowd of butterflies into Trixie's stomach.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now