It's over Isn't it

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I wanna share with you how this popped out of my head.

Time ago, when my depression was more intense, my brother and I used to watch Steven Universe to distract my mind, so when last week he found me crying over how stressed I was about my exams, he proposed to do it again. We picked a random episode and this was the result.

I had a great time writing this, so I hope you guys enjoy it! (And italics are things that happened in the past, so please don't get confused)


Katya watched some cartoons on TV waiting for her weekly visit. She tried to understand what was happening on the screen with spiderman and that villain, but she didn't really get it.

Fortunately, the doorbell rang, causing her to pause the TV and get up to open the door, being knocked out by a little boy.


"Peter Parker," greeted the girl as she took him in her arms, making him laugh, "You arrived early."

"Dad had to leave me first to go with his friends," he replied, only to see his father, who waited for Katya to pick up his backpack so he could leave.

"Oh. Hello, John," greeted an uncomfortable Katya, taking the boy's backpack while he played with her hair.

"Hello, Katya," answered the brown-haired man just as uncomfortable "See you tomorrow Peter, behave well."

The little boy just nodded uninterested before freeing himself from Katya's embrace and running into the kitchen to free her golden retriever, causing some disaster.

"His inhaler is there in case of an emergency, and I left some money in case you need it."

"We'll be fine, have fun."

They exchanged an uncomfortable smile before closing the door and heading to the kitchen, only to find little Peter looking for something in the upper cupboard and the dog looking at him attentively, as if he were going to save him if the boy fell.

"What are you doing?" Katya asked with fear, grabbing him by the waist and lowering him without expecting an answer from the boy, "Don't dare to get on there again, you can fall and hurt yourself."

"I want peanut butter."

"You can ask me about it!" She replied, squeezing his cheeks "And, if you eat peanut butter, I won't order some pizza."

"I don't want pizza."


"Yes! I want peanut butter!"

"Are you sure you don't want pizza? Because I was going to order it with French fries and extra cheese, and..."

"Okay, but make it vegetarian," asked the little blond as he hung on her back, allowing himself to be carried into the living room.


"Is there something wrong?" The girl joked as she stuck out her tongue.

"Princess, a pizza is not a pizza if you can't have pepperoni or bacon or salami."

"It's a healthy pizza! There's nothing better than being able to eat a veggie pizza. You'll love it, I promise you," Trixie said as she gently hugged her.

"You know I'm weak for your hugs; I could eat an onion instead of the stupid pizza just to get another hug from you."

"Well then, we'll have a huge onion pizza," the blonde replied before kissing her cheek gently, earning a sincere smile from Katya, and the way her cheeks blushed was just adorable.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now