Blank space

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This was planned as a whole story but after months without updating anything and after the world's biggest creative block, I decided that maybe it wasn't the best idea to start a new book.

Sooo, here it is. This is the first chapter now as a one-shot, but maybe I'll post the rest here too, who knows.

I hope you enjoy this, please vote and comment! 🤞


Everything started on a sunny morning.

It seemed like a normal day, almost like any other morning in that ridiculously expensive residence. There was a deathly silence all over the place except for one room in which Fiona Apple's melodious voice sounded, but outside of that everything was silent. There was plenty of staff scattered around the house, some mowing the lawn, others quietly cooking while a couple of people made sure that the pool was in perfect condition as every morning, but the funny thing was that everyone worked quietly. The house was a mansion so ridiculously big for just the two people living there, however, it was the pride of the businessman who lived there, because he liked nothing more than hosting parties to meet his colleagues and be able to boast about his collection of cars.

The society parties were fine, but they didn't compare at all with the crazy parties her daughter could throw.

Trixie Mattel was the definition of a daddy's princess. She was the blonde that boys wanted to take to bed and that girls hated for not being her. She liked to have a good life and that was something that couldn't be denied: she had a collection of ridiculously expensive jewels, outfits from imported designers, and shoes of all colors and brands, although, of course, her favorite color predominated in her wardrobe: Pink. Trixie was a life-sized Barbie with her long, blonde hair and heart attack body, so it seemed almost ridiculous to think that even having all that, her dream of being a recognized model didn't come true. Although of course, perhaps her low temper and bratty attitude when something didn't please her influenced that fact. It was well known that the girl was famous for having tantrums and leaving projects in half when she didn't like something and because of that, not even with all the influence of her father and the help of that face that seemed to cost a million dollars got influential brands to work with her again.

But everything seemed to want to change that summer, as finally one of the world's most famous brands of lingerie seemed to want to include her in its summer festival, including advertising and catwalks that would keep her busy for several months. Trixie was still very young, so working with the designers of her dreams would make her career ascend, and she could almost feel the fame breathing on one side of her neck.

Everything was going so well, at least until that morning.

"What do you mean by replacement?" the astonished girl asked as she stopped with an incredulous expression, almost as if it was stupid to think that someone could reject her and replace her with some amateur model just because her flight was delayed twenty-four hours. Although, on second thought, maybe it wasn't a good idea to go to a party six hours before having to be at the airport, but hell, she wouldn't change the night she drank tequila bodyshots from at least five different people for nothing in the whole wide world. "I don't care if they got the same Naomi Campbell, those bastards can't reject me, are you hearing? I have my summer planned and I don't intend to break my head just because they couldn't wait a couple of hours for me... No, I don't care. I will fly to Italy right now and they'll see what they missed, nobody rejects Trixie fucking Mattel, do you understand?"

Apparently, Trixie hadn't been wrong after all.

The brand agreed to have her for its autumn collection even though she had a temper tantrum and threatened to give bad reviews to her fans. How come Trixie still had a job? It was impossible to know for sure, but although they had confirmed a full schedule for the next months, the blonde had the bad luck that her plans for the summer were shattered by a tiny hangover that prevented her from boarding her plane on time.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now