Last Christmas

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Part 2 of "I wish you liked girls".

My other unfinished works looking how I kept doing second parts of my works instead of finishing them: 😖

What's better than a Christmas one-shot in July? Nothing! But, seriously, I hope you enjoy this! And please, don't forget to vote and comment if you like this, it really means a lot for me!


Christmas at the Mattels' home was always unique.

Katya loved to spend Christmas there because she was always well received by everyone, including Dolly, the little white kitten of her best friend. Her parents used to work during these dates mostly out of obligation, and her older siblings never went home because everyone had families to attend to, so if it wasn't for the kindness of that family, Katya would likely spend Christmas alone.

"Aunt Trixie, look, grandma made a cookie with my name!" exclaimed the blonde's little nephew with a smile as he was stopped by the Russian when he was about to stumble. Katya was not a child fanatic, but she had an exception to that chubby little boy.

"Oh, and it's blue! How beautiful, why don't you show it to your mom? I'm sure she's going to adore it."

The boy smiled excitedly before running towards his mother, who took him in her arms and adjusted his green sweater, which was a miniature version of the one she was wearing.

"I swear every time I see him, he gets at least five centimeters higher," Katya said with a smile before taking another cookie off the plate, not minding that she'd already lost count of how many she'd eaten that night.

"I know, just wait two more years and he will be taller than you," joked the blonde in a red dress, biting her lower lip when she saw that the Russian had taken another cookie, "Do you want to stop eating? They are going to serve dinner soon."

"Honey, my stomach has no depth when I come to have dinner here."

Katya loved the way her friend's face flushed in a not discreet way every time she called her with a cute nickname, so she decided to do something else to see her smile even more.

"By the way, you look pretty with my color, and those snowflake earrings are definitely the icing on the cake."

"Are you serious? You look like a winter fairy, with this baby blue skirt and this cute white blouse. You're a princess, Kat," Trixie replied with a smile as she played with a lock of blonde hair and exchanged the cards as she was now the one who made the other girl blush at the way she was looked at, "You, Katya Zamolodchikova, are a Christmas miracle."

If they were only on the four walls of her room, Katya wouldn't hesitate for a second before kissing her.

The Russian felt so guilty about not being able to treat Trixie as she deserved. She was unable to hold her hand in public, and even worse, a simple gesture like sitting down to have lunch with her in the cafeteria for fear that the cheerleaders would think she wasn't popular enough to stay on the team or that they would think she was like Trixie and start treating her the same way. Honestly, Katya didn't know how the brown-eyed angel had managed to survive all that for so long, but she admired her bravery in silence.

She only begged that the day when she would dare too to do it wouldn't be too late.

"Hey, come to the table; dinner is ready," said one of Trixie's older sisters, who always had a gothic style that drove her mother crazy and that's why she got along so well with Katya, "Thank you for helping, by the way."

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now