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"Can we talk about the elephant in the room?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Kimberly."

"Do you want to play dumb? Perfect, I'm talking about how you have Katya drooling for you," the Asian said as we walked through the crowd of students.

"So much hair dye is doing you damage in your brain," I mocked, begging internally for her to shut up.

"I'm not hallucinating Trixie, anyone with a pair of eyes can tell it, you have the poor Russian eating from the palm of your hand."

"It's not true, we're just friends; just like you and me."

But it wasn't true.

In my life, I had three best friends: Kim, Shea, and Katya. The last one I had known for longer than the other two, however, that didn't prevent us from becoming inseparable friends, despite having completely different styles.

But everything had changed months ago when the Russian confessed to me that she was lesbian. Of course, I had no problem accepting it, after all, she was my friend and I would support her no matter what. We would always be inseparable. Things changed when the blonde girl began to see me with other eyes, and although she didn't admit it, I knew she had a crush on me. She had become extremely affectionate with me and now took the time to admire my body in a way she had never done before.

Everything was different, but I didn't want things to change with her. I wanted everything as before, although I knew that would be practically impossible.

"You can try to convince me all you want, but you won't get anywhere," the girl laughed as I put on my locker combination.

"Would you leave me alone? It's too early for your stupid theories," I replied angrily, opening the locker and showing a rose with a small note on it.

For the most beautiful girl in high school.

"What did you say about my stupid theories?" She laughed, watching me bite my lower lip.

"She's just sweet to me."

"Trixie, react! She likes you!" she screamed as I put a hand to her mouth, making her quiet.

"Hi, Kitty," somebody said behind my back, startling me.

"Oh, hello Kats," I replied, removing my hand from Kim's mouth.

"Busy morning?" She asked, smiling when she saw the rose in my hand.

"You have no idea," Kim answered for me with a teasing smile.

"Hi Kim, as radiant as ever."

"I say the same thing Katya, but I have to go girls, I'm sorry to have to leave you alone," she pouted her lips sarcastically before she walked away.

"Well, did you like it?" She asked, referring to the flower.

"Oh yeah, very pretty," I replied by taking out my books and putting them in my bag.

"Just like that the girl who has it," she gave me a half-smile that made me blush.

"What class do we have?" I asked to change the subject.

"Chemistry, remember that we are partners of..."

The blonde was interrupted by a black-haired guy saying my name.

He was Dylan, captain of the football team, and a Platonic love of all the girls in the school. Was he really talking to me?

"Hello, Dylan," I tried to give him one of my best smiles, but I was so nervous that it probably looked strange.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now