Heaven is a place on hearth

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Sooo... I wanted to do a one-shot inspired by my favorite Black Mirror's chapter "San Junipero". If you have never seen BM before you need to do it now! It's super cool!

It's not even the same plot, I just want to have a little inspiration of it because I love the music and everything so I hope you enjoy this!

It's a little bit long, but if you like it please vote and comment!💞



The sound of a pair of heels resounded on the pavement as the air swirled some blonde curls.

The streets were almost empty in the train station, although it wasn't illogical, it was very late and definitely, no one was going to be here at this hour.


The blonde knocked on the window where a young man was sleeping.

"Huh?" The boy looked at her embarrassed "I'm so sorry, what can I do to help you?"

"Don't worry," the blonde smiled understandably "I need a ticket for the midnight train to New York."

"Miss, that train is late," explained the sleepy young man.


Her brown eyes transmitted her nervousness, so the boy tried to find a solution quickly.

"It will only be an hour; it doesn't bother you?"

The woman only sighed.

"It's okay; I'm waiting for someone."

"Fine," the boy smiled as he received the money and gave his client her train ticket "If you need me I will be here, I hope you are not afraid to be alone at this time."

"Don't worry; you can go back to sleep."

The blonde gave him a little smile before heading to a nearby seat and looking for the person she was waiting for to arrive to catch the train.

Time ago...


Holiday by Madonna sounded loudly in the place filled with teenagers in sequined costumes and neon colors. The glowing lights illuminated the place just as the disco ball that was in the middle of the dance floor.

A young blonde was walking around in the middle of people with the purpose of finding an empty place, although it seemed impossible that night.

"Hello?" She called the bartender, although he didn't really listen to her.

The young woman rolled her eyes, and before she could call him again, a person held her from behind, calling her attention.

"Go along with whatever I say," asked the stranger behind her.


"Please, I'll pay whatever you take tonight."

"Leave me, or I swear I'm gonna scream..."

"Katya, my love!" A stranger joined the weird conversation.

She was a skinny, black-haired girl.

"Hey, Violet," the woman who was still hugging the blonde smiled.

"I was looking for you, I wanted to see if you wanna drink something with me, and you know..."

"Oh, I can't. My friend just arrived in town and I really hoped to spend time alone with her. Right, Linda?"

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now