Because the night

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Hi everyone!

This one-shot was born from an article I read a long time ago about how the Wilson sisters (incredible vocalists of Heart) had had a very similar encounter with the brothers Alex and Eddie Van Halen. The fact that Ann had given her first acoustic guitar to Eddie and that he wrote a song for her that same night and never played it again seemed like fanfic material to me, I'm not gonna lie.

I had a lot of fun writing this and yes, I know that despite everything explained I decided not to name this like a Heart or Van Halen song, but hey, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Anyway, I hope you like this a lot and as always, votes and comments are always appreciated! 🤞


"Two rooms, please," the blonde asked as she watched her sister complain about her tall boots and the stupid corset she was forced to wear at every concert. A migraine had begun to form in Trixie's head due to the noise and inefficiency of the boy behind the log who was only looking at them with his mouth open.

"Hey, you jerk, her eyes are up here," Violet spat out in anger when she realized that the boy was unable to look away from the blonde's breasts. Despite being the youngest, she was always very overprotective.

Trixie only sighed tired after the boy apologized and started working on assigning them two rooms. Half of her crew had stayed to clean and pick up after the concert while the other half had already checked into the hotel for the night because Violet had refused to sleep on the bus tour once again, so everyone agreed to rent a fucking hotel on her whim.

Although Trixie wasn't bothered at all, the idea of sleeping in a bed on her own sounded like a dream.

"Well, here are your keys. Rooms 154 and 155 respectively, if you need anything please do not hesitate to call and we will send someone to assist you," explained the boy, unable to say all that speech without stutter "My coworker will take your bags to your room."

Trixie looked at her suitcases. There were only two backpacks and the case of her guitar "I think it won't be necessary, we can carry them. Thank you."

"Oh, of course," the guy clumsily nodded, who looked at them with his eyes wide open "By the way, I wanted to tell you that I'm a great admirer of your music. I was so sad because I couldn't go to your concert tonight and-"

Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted the speech of that perverted fan to the relief of Trixie, who couldn't help but be startled when she realized it was two people fighting. The girl took Violet's hand instinctively before she could get closer to see the fight and the smile on her face knew she had done the right thing.

"You ripped my new guitar, you fucking asshole!"

"I already told you it wasn't me! Why the hell would I want to touch your stupid guitar?"

The blonde opened her eyes as two security guards approached to separate them and couldn't help but gasp from her lips.

Katya and Gottmik. The Zamolodchikov brothers.

Their band was very famous in those days and their songs played on the radio again and again daily. Trixie had met Sasha, their leader and lead singer at a party at Lita Ford's house, however, she hadn't yet had the pleasure of meeting the rest of the band, and her knowledge of them was limited to knowing that they were fucking talented and that Violet had the hots for both siblings.

And of course, they were quite outrageous and loved to party. Just like the rest of the rockstars of that time.

"I don't want you to touch my stuff again in your pathetic life and-" Katya screamed angrily once she managed to get the security guards to take her down, but her eyes quickly softened when she noticed the presence of both girls who were just staring at them. And then a smile appeared on her face when she made eye contact with Trixie, "Mik, did you hit me so hard that now I'm hallucinating with a couple of beautiful angels?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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