Slow dance with you

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Finally, part 2 of "strawberry blond".

Yeah, I know, it's almost a year but in my defense, second parts are so hard to write. Especially when they are that long, sorry, I'm a little bit extra (this is +10k words hehe).

Before you read this I want to be really honest, I don't have any problem with miss Violet Chachki, I love her with all my heart because she's part of my favorite ship ever (Vatya, of course. I'm a traitor, please someone sing to me that Olivia Rodrigo's song even if that's not the context lol.)

And once said that...

TW: none consensual sex, humiliation, and manipulation (I think it's not that explicit, but I prefer to warn about this).

Please, leave some comments and votes if you like it, I really put a lot of effort into that shit.


The halls of the castle were still large, giant to be more exact. There were still those elegant paintings and works of art that used to be the only company of the blue-eyed blonde girl. Tea time still existed and was still mandatory for all the girls who lived in the royal palace; they still had to keep quiet every time the princess spoke or had a tantrum and please her in everything she ordered, whether it was big or small. Did Violet like the dress that was worn by Aquaria on her morning walk? The girl with blonde-silvered hair had to say goodbye to it. Did Violet step her eyes on the pearl necklace Max was wearing? Now it belonged to her and her only.

You couldn't deny anything to lady Violet, or you would suffer from the wrath of the king, who hated to see his little girl "suffer."

That's why she couldn't be denied her latest wish: a beautiful, dreamy girl with long blonde hair and cherry red lips.

The castle that was once a safe place for Katya was no longer so. Maybe there was still the library where she used to hide when her classes ended instead of learning to do her makeup like the other girls or the kitchen where she used to keep Mrs. Ginger Minj company after her father went to war, but now everything looked different. She could no longer feel safe there, the four walls were choking her as time went by, and when she opened her eyes in the morning, the first thing she wished was that Violet had somehow erased her memory in her sleep and never again had to bump into her in the hallways.

Unfortunately, that never happened.

And Katya was beginning to suspect that it wouldn't happen for a long time, so she had started to lose hope, even knowing that now she wasn't alone and someone was waiting for her with anticipation every evening. She wanted to stay strong for her, but it was becoming harder every second it passed; the girl felt that the world would stop at any moment, and everything would end up hurting her even more than she already was.

"You're late," Violet said with the same stern and angry voice she used every time something didn't go as planned, which scared the poor blonde.

"I don't feel good today."

"Don't come with that," answered the dark-haired princess, rolling her eyes as her tight leather pants began to unbuckle. She was probably finishing with her horse-riding class because otherwise, she would never wear pants even though they looked great, "Come on, this will help you feel better."

"Violet, please..." Katya begged with a trembling voice, looking away once the princess took off her bottom garment. "I don't want to do this, I beg you. Don't force me again."

"You start offending me; did you know it? Anyone else would give anything to be in your place, and yet you start crying like a baby. I'm giving you what you always wanted when we were younger and you continue to be an ungrateful brat. Only Matthew has touched me before, and I can assure you that he's nowhere near comparing to you, so I don't think I'm going to lose this just because you've changed your mind now." The princess replied with hostility as she brought the red-dressed girl to her bed and then took her face firmly and looked straight into her tearful blue eyes. "I'm giving you privileges that no one else has, Katya. I'm giving you the privilege of touching me, of skipping tea hours and giving you everything before you can dream of it, aren't new dresses, diamonds, and your stupid art materials enough to make you happy? Tell me what else you want, I'll get it for you."

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