Strawberry blond

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Hey! It's me again after a while.

I hope you like it but it's long af, so it took me an eternity. It's cheesy, because I'm the writer and of course it had to be cheesy.

If you like please vote and comment! 🤞


The hallways of the royal castle were big, really giant. Katya liked to walk in them while admiring the pieces of art that belonged to the royal family. Although she liked to do it alone, she rarely had a chance as she was almost always available to the princess Violet and had to satisfy her whims, because of course, she was the princess and not Katya.

All the young women were reunited in the room that was intended for tea by orders of the queen. The golden-haired girl looked at the boy who played a delicate melody on the piano in the background, completely ignoring the superficial conversation of the other princesses in the room and only concentrating all her attention on that young boy who moved her fingers with such delicacy and concentration.

"Violet, I heard that prince Matt is coming next week for your birthday party," Katya heard, a comment from Max, an elegant looking girl.

"Oh, it's true, it's probably the part that excites me the most after the gifts, of course," she joked making the others laugh, though Katya really knew it wasn't a joke "By the way, don't ever think of wear any shade of purple that day, only I can do it. My designer is working on a heart attack dress, and I assure you they'll all die of envy when they see me."

"Of course, you will be the only one wearing purple that day, Vi. I can't imagine anyone else wearing your color."

Katya had to use a monumental effort not to roll her eyes at that comment. They were always the same; everyone had to kiss Violet's feet.

"What about you, Katya? What do you plan to use that day?"

The girl came out of her trance as she stared at her honey tea to avoid seeing each other's faces, especially Violet's.

"Uh, I really don't know. I hadn't thought about that," she replied nervously as the other girls looked at her surprised.

"Well, whatever you choose, I'm sure you'll look perfect. There's no dress that doesn't suit you," Aquaria said with a smile, which infected the other girl although it didn't last long when she noticed Violet's angry face.

"Thank you," she said shyly as she got up "If you excuse me, I have things to do, see you later."

She gave a little bow before leaving the room without waiting for a word. It really made her nervous be in front of many prejudiced girls, even though there were exceptions like Aquaria.

She ran through the hallways, winning a couple of scolds from the guards, but she didn't mind when she finally arrived at the stables, meeting with horses of different colors and sizes. She caressed most of them until she reached the white mare that belonged to her and whose name was Jodie.

"Ready for a ride?" she asked with a smile as she prepared the horse "I had a long day, you can't imagine how much, I mean, you're lucky to be a horse and not one of Violet Chachki's friends."

After complaining a little more and adjusting her saddle, they both went into the big forest.

Usually, Katya wouldn't dare to do it after listening to the stories of the castle staff and would simply take a close walk into the palace, however, today she felt awful and the thought of Violet's leaving and seeing her, made her angry.

The wind on the blonde's face made her think she had made the right decision to explore the forest, although she was clearly wrong when Jodie unexpectedly slipped over, making her fall sharply and blurt a cry of pain.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now