Slipping through my fingers

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Some fluff, because why not?

In which Katya is Lorelai Gilmore and Christopher is literally here. I'm such a fool for Gilmore girls but this also had some mamma mia vibes I guess?

I hope you enjoy this, I had a great time writing the whole thing so please, let me know if you like it with a vote or a comment! 🤞


"Мама, I can't find them!"

"What? What are you talking about?" Asked the Russian, seeing her daughter running around desperately in search of something, "Can you stop? You're giving me a migraine."

"No! You don't understand. I can't find my earrings, and I can't go out without them because they're blue. If I don't wear the blue earrings, I'll have bad luck and..."

Katya watched her daughter babble about how she needed to wear those stupid earrings, pretending to listen to her when she was focused enough on proving her theory that the best starburst were the orange ones even though everyone told her otherwise. Definitely, first there were the orange ones, then there was a tie between the strawberry and cherry ones, and finally... She opened her eyes when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Shit, she really was the representation of the word MILF because she looked absolutely hot with her navy blue dress and her hair tied up. Katya would definitely try to flirt with herself if she wasn't married, and the concept of flirting with herself didn't sound strange.

"Мама, are you listening?" Screamed the jet-black-haired woman before looking in the direction where her mother was looking, "I swear to god that if you are distracted by your reflection, I will deny you entry to my wedding!" the Russian gave her an innocent smile before offering her a starburst. And before she could be killed by her own daughter, a beautiful angel came to save her, "Mom, thank god you are here! Your wife is an egocentric human who is distracted by her own reflection."

"I know; I live with Narciso," Trixie joked, causing the Russian to roll her eyes, "What's going on, honey? Why aren't you ready yet?"

"Blue earrings," Katya said as she watched the whole situation from her seat.

"Oh, you put them in the box next to your shoes, do you remember?" The brown-eyed girl answered as if nothing before going to look for them in the middle of all the chaos and smiling when she realized that they were indeed there. Her all-knowing mother gifts never failed, "Hey, calm down a little. It's your wedding day, you're supposed to enjoy every moment," it was evident that the poor girl was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. So Trixie, like the good therapist she was, took her on her chest before letting her breathe for a few seconds, "That's it, breathe a little."

Katya looked at everything with a tender smile as the feeling of guilt slowly invaded her. It was true that she preferred not to get in the way at serious times, but for god's sake, it was one of the most important days for her daughter and she couldn't stand by and watch her favorite person suffer a nervous breakdown.

"I'm sorry, I'm just..." the dark-haired girl finally let out a sob, clinging to her mother's arms, "What if I'm not good enough for Connor? What if I will be an awful wife?" the girl sobbed louder, "What if he notices this and decides to leave me standing on the altar?"

"Wow, stop there," Katya intervened, dropping her starburst bowl to approach the two girls. No, it definitely wasn't going to happen. No daughter of hers would doubt how incredible she was just on her wedding day, "Nat, that's bullshit, and you know it."

"Мама, not now..."

"No, wait, I think she got a point," Trixie said in a serious tone, encouraging the Russian to continue.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now