How to be a heartbreaker

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This was one of the first one-shots I ever wrote but it was unfinished and I had to write the whole thing again because it didn't convince me. It passed so long that my wife Kyle was already making my dream come true of seeing her in an all-stars and even better, stealing the crown.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, and please, let me know if you like it with a comment or a vote! (They mean a lot, seriously!) 🤞


Elementary school

"I didn't want to see this."

"But you came because you love me so much," replied Trixie with a triumphant smile as she stole popcorn from the bowl on her friend's lap.

Katya just rolled her eyes playfully to try to hide her smile before staring at the screen again, where now a new scene appeared and the golden-haired princess kissed her prince as they were surrounded by all kinds of animals singing to celebrate their love. It was curious how the little blonde in pink pajamas sighed with excitement at the romantic scene while Katya found it repulsive, and the grimace on her face was proof of this.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Trixie asked as she looked forward to her best friend and her mind began to imagine what her prince charming would be like, and if someday he would ever come to rescue her in his white horse as in the princesses' movies she liked so much.

"Ugh, no. Kissing boys looks yucky."

"What are you talking about? My mom says that girls should kiss boys when we're older, or at least that's what she does... Although she's still in the process of looking for her prince charming."

"That's not true at all!" Katya replied as she left the bowl with popcorn and set out to explain her theory to Trixie. Maybe they were the same age, but she was always better at understanding adults, or at least she wanted to believe so, "The other day, I saw my babysitter Yvie kiss her girlfriend outside the house, and it looked more fun than doing it with a boring prince."

Trixie could only hear that with genuine surprise. The little girl tried to process that new information, asking herself if maybe and only maybe it could be possible that instead of a prince rescuing her, another princess could help her save herself despite what her mother had taught her. Also, she shouldn't be listening to her mother after she swore to her daughter that the moon was made of cheese and crackers after a long night at the casino, and it turned out to be a lie.

"Also, boys stink. Literally. Have you ever been around Billy Williams? He smells like sweat and play-dough. That can't be nice either here or on Mars," said the little girl with blue eyes as she looked at her friend's freckles and slightly shiny pink lips. Trixie was, without a doubt, the prettiest girl in her class. Katya was really lucky that she was her best friend, "Girls always smell nice. Like strawberries and unicorns."

"Do I smell good?"

"Of course. You always smell like vanilla and lavender," the other girl assured her, now looking at her honey-colored eyes and realizing she was really pretty. Katya smiled gently at her before throwing some popcorn at her face, making her eyes close and her nose wrinkle in the most adorable way, "Believe me, if I could pick someone to give my first kiss, I assure you that would be you."

The way the little girl said it caused many butterflies to flutter into Trixie's stomach. She had never seen Katya as anything but a friend, but her words had really caused something in her, and she couldn't explain what it was.

"Well, it's my turn to choose the movie. And since you don't like horror movies, we can watch Finding Nemo," Katya suggested with a smile as she watched the credits of the movie start appearing on the screen, so she hurried to look for a new movie among Trixie's stuff before turning to see her friend with a blushed face, "What's going on?"

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