In your arms tonight

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Hi, hello, hola! So here it is: the Hedwig and the angry inch AU that literally, nobody asked for.

I hope you enjoy it, this is one of my favorite musicals/movies ever so I needed to do this. There's some dialogue extracted from the movie but it's not the same. The whole thing is iconic by itself, but for some reference to anybody who hasn't seen this masterpiece yet (seriously? What are you waiting for?) we have a trans main character, so yeah.

Anyway, let me know what you think of this, vote and comment! (It's always heartwarming!) 🤞


The lights in the place were crap. There was a lamp flashing incessantly while the salad bar was filled one more time and one of the white-straight couples left the bar, giving a judgmental look to the band that for a while now were just playing with their musical instruments while their lead singer was eating dessert in silence. Unfortunately, not even all the dirty cake in the world would make a smile on Trixie that night, as the sound of the rock concert in the stadium next door made every bite taste bittersweet.

"Well, that's enough," the blonde said with determination, leaving the leftovers of her third slice of cake to her drummer before sighing and adjusting the pink boa around her neck. That loyal group of fans who wore pink cowboy hats and chased her little band whenever they could seem to wake up from that trance they were in and smiled at the girl with excitement, "Ladies, gentlemen, and people in the between, tonight is a special night for me, and I'm very excited to spend it here: at Johnny's surrounded by such educated people and with a promotion of all the beer you can drink," a loud scream was heard somewhere in the back followed by a burp, making the blonde smile, "Educated people, as I said."

The blonde growled when an especially loud scream from the concert next door interrupted her and made the place vibrate.

"Well, I was talking about what a special night it is: my birthday, Trixie's birthday," she said as a group of people clapped and screamed as if they were at the Beatles rooftop concert, "Thank you, thank you. I also can't believe that you guys are witnessing my 21st birthday. If anyone wanted to legally invite me a beer I wouldn't object," joked the blonde, making the audience genuinely laugh as they didn't buy for a moment, "It's a special night, and yet here I am, chasing that stupid Russian that stole my songs and now it's getting richer while I need to give blowjobs to the cashier at the gas station for some groceries... Oh, hi Paul, how nice you came!"

Her monologue was interrupted when the door opened, letting in three girls who were clearly not teenagers but thought they were with their t-shirts with the fashion singer's logo while babbling about how amazing the singer was and how cool her songs were. That only enraged Trixie further, who held the microphone tightly and stepped on her white boots to get the girls' attention.

"Do you mind? We are in the middle of something," she interrupted their conversation with a look of hate before continuing, "Well, as I was saying, you probably recognize me from some magazine cover or newspaper: but how did I really become the transsexual lover of the superstar Katya Zamo? It is a curious story, full of drama, romance, and betrayal. The night is long, and the promotion of all the beer you can have too, so if someone buys me a drink, I can sing you a couple of songs and tell you the story."

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