Good 4 ur misery business

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Well hi again!

This super amazing mix gave me some inspiration time ago and I decided to make something about it!

I freaking love miss Olivia Rodrigo and the masterpiece she gave us and you already know that I'm Hayley Williams' #1 simp, so this is the result of uncountable hours of listening to this (I know Hayley hates misery business, so I'm sorry lol).

Anyway, enjoy it and let me know what you think about it! 🤞


Tom: Hey babe, I'm not going to be able to go to the concert tonight, but I'll see you after school.

Tom: Besides, Paramore isn't rock anymore. I don't think you should go.

Katya sighed with frustration before hiding her phone loudly thanks to her fury, winning the attention of some of her closest classmates, and to her misfortune, among them was a blonde cheerleader with pink lips and long legs. A mischievous smile appeared on the girl's face before she frowned and prepared to attack.

"What happens, goth? Your boyfriend canceled you again? Don't worry; he must be busy with something pretty important. He's a gentleman, darling; he would never do anything to hurt you," Trixie said with a smile, but no one said anything about it; everyone was too scared of both of them to even dare to breathe, "Believe me, I know what I'm talking about."

Katya just rolled her eyes and raised her middle finger to her, which made the other blonde laugh and send her a kiss with the palm of her hand.

Her relationship with Trixie was... Complicated.

But to explain her relationship with that blonde bombshell, she also had to include her precious relationship with her boyfriend Tom. It all started several months ago when Katya suspected that she had a certain fan with pretty eyes. It was the way Trixie looked at her in the hallways, finding her in bars when she was playing with her band even though it wasn't her environment at all or just the way she smiled at her when she was cheering at a game her sister had forced her to attend. However, it wasn't until a literature class when they were paired to be project partners that everything began for them. Trixie was so nervous when they met in that coffee shop to discuss the project that she ended up spilling her cup of coffee on Katya's lap, and hell, she was really fucking adorable with her clumsy words and shy smiles.

After that, they started dating in secret at Katya's request (even though Trixie wanted to shout at the four winds that the goth doll was hers) and discovered that the girl was not another airhead bimbo in the bunch. Yes, she wore pink as if she was paid for it. Yes, she was part of the cheerleaders, and yes, she thought Avril Lavigne was rock, but she was also more than a pretty face. Trixie had a brilliant mind and was so talented at so many things that she sometimes gave migraines to the blue-eyed girl (in a good sense, of course). For god's sake, the girl taught Katya how to play the guitar, and she was so patient that she seemed to be out of this world.

Long story short: Trixie was perfect in Katya's eyes.

That's why she decided to break up with her.

The evening she told her that she could no longer see her was still in the girl's memory, and honestly, it seemed that she would never be able to erase that memory. Trixie looked at her confused before asking her why with tears in her eyes, and in a pathetic attempt by the blue-eyed blonde to hide the real reason, she explained that she liked someone else. That made the girl look at her hurt, and without saying a word, she handed her leather jacket and left her alone to run and cry. The reality was different. Katya had never developed such strong feelings towards a person in a long time, and she always had bad luck at love, so she tried to spare herself another broken heart. They were so different that they wouldn't last. After all, Trixie belonged with the popular ones who wore pastel colors like her and listened to Taylor Swift or watched Lindsay Lohan movies, while Katya was a goth who always wore black all day long, and her only friends were from her band.

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