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And thanks to Miss Taylor we have this silly corny sapphic one-shot. But I guess it has some "why you only call me when you're high" vibes lol.

Hope you enjoy this, and if you like, please don't forget to comment and vote, as always, it's very very very welcome and appreciated! 🤞


"Shot, shot, shot!"

The blonde felt the clear liquid burning her throat while a scream from the rest of the girls made her laugh and someone shook her head slightly. The loud laughs of the rest of her friends made her smile while they filled their glasses again with tequila, and Shea at her side, adjusted her blonde hair like the good friend she was.

Trixie was partying that night to celebrate her birthday, and what better way to do it than in the company of her best friends who kept on flattering her and telling her how beautiful she looked that night with her pretty pink dress she spent weeks picking and her make-up that took hours to make with Kim's help. She really couldn't think of other people with whom to celebrate that date.

"Hey, Trix. Justin wasn't coming with you?"

Oh, yeah. Her boyfriend had also gone with them.

"Uh, yes. But he met a friend at the entrance and... Katya!" Her night was completely illuminated when she saw the Russian blonde who made her days happy with her existence and she didn't hesitate to jump into her arms and let out a drunken giggle when the girl caressed the lower part of her back that was uncovered, "You came!"

"Happy birthday, angel. Of course, I couldn't miss this for anything in the world, you'd never forgive me," Trixie's smile only got bigger when the girl kissed her cheek gently before tenderly cleaning the red lip trail she had left on her. Honestly, Trixie wouldn't have cared if she'd left it. At least not that night, "You look so beautiful, you have no idea."

"Enough!" Another drunken giggle escaped Trixie's lips and appreciated that the club lights managed to disguise the blush of her cheeks a little. They had this little game where Katya loved to praise the floor where Trixie stepped on just to see her pretty pink cheeks while she tried not to die in the attempt.

But it was just that, a game.

A simple and innocent game between best friends.

"Well, I know Trixie is the birthday girl and everything but we also deserve a greeting, don't you think, Katinka?" Sasha interrupted with a funny smile as Katya greeted them all without letting go of the blonde's hand. All the girls started screaming about how much they missed her and Ginger mentioned something about missing her stupid references to contact while Katya let out one of her outrageous laughs that were music for the birthday girl's ears, and made her feel in her own paradise.

The Russian sat next to Trixie and almost instinctively took the girl's legs to place them on her lap while she dried in a deep conversation with Ginger about the importance of Jodie foster in the film industry. Trixie could only bite her lower lip at the feeling of Katya's hand resting on her thigh and drawing small circles on her as she waited for all her attention to turn to her again.

"Katya," called her softly and the girl didn't hesitate to leave her conversation to look at her with her eyes wide open. Those stupid blue eyes that immediately turned to her lips, "You look gorgeous."

"Aren't you adorable?" the Russian smiled before drinking from the coke Trixie had ordered for her, "What does it feel like to be 23, honey?"

"You know it! You were 23 a few months ago," Trixie giggled stupidly.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now