Mike 15

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A few years later

I move out of the house and I move into an apartment in Oregon. I moved here because Billie when to college here. It's a nice day out so I go for some coffee.

"Ok sir that will be $2." I give the barista my $2. I run into this guy splashing my coffee all over him.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry sir-" I look at the man again. 'Billie?"  I go up and hug him tightly, I didn't care if he had coffee all over him. He hugs me tightly back. I try to give him a a kiss as if we were still dating. He puts his finger on my lips to stop me.

"Mike wait!" 

I grab him some napkins to clean up.

" Here let's go sit at a table" I say so it doesn't look like were taking up the line.

" Mike how, when, where, why?"

"I moved into town about 2 months, in the golden eagles apartment complexes. " Billie looks at me like a little kid that's just been amazed.

"Wait really?"


"You know Mike I was gonna go back to Cali but I thought if I did you would be gone."

"That's why I came here was so I could try to find you and here we are now. "

" Heh ya. " Billie chuckles a bit. " So how's uh mom doing?"

" Oh you know she was doing really well when I left."

"Ok good that's great."

I was starting at the table thinking of what to say next then I wanted to say: I know we just met again but will you go out with me again, but I don't say that, all that comes out is:will you be my boyfriend again.

"Hey Billie, uh will you be my boyfriend again? I mean-." My heart started racing.

" Ya of course I will I was just going to say the same thing! Oh what room do you live in like uh the number or your apartment."

" I'm in room 33 why?" Now that Billie excepted and that I got something off my chest I start to calm down.

" Oh I'm in room 29 I like just down the hall!"

"Are you saying you want to move in? Aren't we taking this a little to fast, cus I mean we just met again we should start off by going on a few dates first. "

" Oh yes I know, I was just asking how far away you lived but that's great that we live on the same floor."

" Why don't we go out to lunch tomorrow and catch up on things, that can be our first date! Billie said getting all excited.

"Ya sure I'd love that."

"K well Mike I have to go but I will talk to you tomorrow ok. Oh I'll text you were we can meet ok? "

" Ok sounds good." I get up and hug Billie and I watch as he leaves.

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