1 Billie

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"Billie honey it's time to get up for school!.

I heard mom yell from downstairs. mmm it's it's time to get up already?

"Ok one second mom."

" Well you better hurry if you don't want to be late, it's your first day of school. "

I get out of bed I grab a pair of black skinny jeans a white shirt and my leather jacket. I walk downstairs to see mom making waffles, my favorite.

"Hi mom."

"Hi sweetie, wait before you go take a waffle or 2."


I grab 2 waffles and put on my Chuck Taylors and head out the door. I grab my phone and plug in my earbuds and play the music from my playlist. I hit shuffle because all of the songs on there are great.

"It's ok Billie, your first day highschool school, you got this."

I walk inside and I see the principal waiting for me.

" Hi uh excuse me?"

"Ah yes you must be BillieJoe am I correct?"

" Yep that's me!"

God dang it why did I say that that is so cheesy! We walk down this hall and into this giant room.

" Alright Billie here we are, this is your first class."

" Morning Mr. Hetfield, you have a new student!"

" Ah you must be BillieJoe?"

" Why don't you take a seat over there so I can get you situated."

I go and sit down in a chair untill he calls my name.

" Ok Billie do you play any kind of instrument?"

" Umm ya I play the electric guitar, my dad gave it to me before he pasted away."

" Oh gosh I'm really sorry to hear that."

" May I ask you a question? "

" Ya one sec kid! "

" Ok what was your question?"

He handed me an electric guitar.

" Ok kid show me what you got!"

" Uh do you want me to play a song or?"

" Uh please play a song so I can see where your at on the chart."

" Uh ok."

A song what kind of song can I play that could Impress the lead singer of Matallica, James Hetfield. I play a song called Nothing else matters by Matallica.

"Uh here I go, So close, no matter how far Couldn't be much more from the heart Forever trusting who we are And nothing else matters Never opened myself this way Life is ours, we live it our way All these words, I don't just say And nothing else matters Trust I seek and I find in you Every day for us something new Open mind for a different view And nothing else matters! "

" Oh wow you have a great set of pipes kid!"

" Thanks."


"Oh there's the bell we will have to pick up tomorrow ok kid."

" Uh ok."

I grab my sheet and walk to my next class. Math was my next class, I'm not very fond of math.

"Oh hi you must be Billie am I right?"

" Uh it's BillieJoe but you were close."

" Well come on in and take a seat next to Gray." I go over and take a seat next to this red head kid by the name of Gray

"Hey I'm Gray, you seem really cool you should come with me to lunch and you could meet the gang."

" Uh ok I guess."

After a long period of math I follow Gray down to his locker and then we walk to lunch.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Gray!" The group call out.

"So who's the new kid."

" Oh this is Billie!"

" Hey guys where's Mike."

" I don't know he didn't come to school today."

"Don't worry kid you'll get to meet him."

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