2 Mike

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I wake up rubbing sleep from my eyes.

"Oh crap what time is it?"

I look at the clock and it was 12:00 much time. I could hear the sound of a car door slam shut and the front door opens. Now I can hear foot steps coming up the stairs. I quickly put on a shirt and some pants, I grab my backpack and throw it out the window. I try to jump out but it was to late I got pulled back down to the ground. It was Reggie my abusive step dad.

"Why aren't you at school!"

" I-I- I over slept, dad I'm sorry please don't hit me!"

And of course he hits me, he punches me in the face. Then he tells me to pull my pants down.

" Pull your pants down"!

"What why?"

It looked like he was getting ready to hit me again so I did it pulled my pants down. 

"Dad stop please!"

He rapes me, but it's not the first time he has done this. I lay there in shock as he pulls up his pants and leaves the room. Then I pull up my pants and crawl out the window. I grab my backpack and head to school. Tears started to flood my eyes.

"I'm not going back, im-im gonna live on my own!

But that never happened. I make it to school and head to the lunch room, I see the gang and so I go sit with them.

"Hey Mike where have you been?"

"I uh over slept."

" Oh um who's the kid?"

" I'm Billie, BillieJoe."

The kid had midnight black hair a pretty smile and really pretty green eyes.

"Hey Billie do you mind if I could have your number?"

"Uh ya sure here you go."

"Cool thanks."

Now it was time to go home, really I didn't want to go home. So I asked Gray if I could go to his instead

"Hey Gray do you think I could go to your house for the night."

" Ya sure dude."

" K I'll see you in about 15 20 minutes."


I walk home and Crawl through my window and quickly pack a bag  before Reggie sees or hears me. I grab my phone and throw my backpack out the window. Then I here someone coming up the stairs so I quickly jump out the window. I go to walk to Gray's house but I don't want him seeing me like this so I go underneath the bridge in the park. I lay my backpack down and use it as a pillow. Then I fall asleep.

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