10 Going sideways?

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Lance walked into their 'Uncle's' house only to be knocked over by five worried people.

"Where have you been," Allura asked, looking wide awake.

"I went for a light jog and a cup of coffee," Lance said as he looked at the five people on top of him.

"Did anything happen?" everyone asked all of a sudden.

Lance said nothing as the group stood. Lance stood soon after and kept quiet.  

"Lance, what happened?" Allura asked as she looked at the male, worried.

"I just ran into my dance instructor and his younger brother," Lance said as he walked into the kitchen with everyone following behind.

"Something tells me you aren't telling us everything," Pidge piped up.

"Everything is fine," Lance said as he took his seat at the table.

Coran, being the group's father, sat a plate of food in front of him. Lance looked at the said plate and gave a small smile at him. Lance began to eat slowly to keep his stomach from turning from the day's activities.

"Lance, please tell us. What happened at the café?" Hunk said as worry could be seen on his face.  

"Please stop worrying so much. You all will get wrinkles at a young age," Lance said as he waved his fork around.

"Lance. You know we are all worried about you," Coran called out. "We just want to protect the youngest in the family we have."

Sighing deeply, Lance took another bite of his food. The group around him grew irritated with the silence he gave them. Getting enough of the looks, Lance stood up abruptly.

"Fine. You want to know so badly?!" Lance yelled at the group around him. "Yes, something did happen. Lotor showed up while my dance teacher, his little brother, and I were having a pleasant time. He sat next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. Things may have escalated, but those at the café today, even Shiro and Keith, stood up for me."  

Lance rushed up to the room they all stayed in the night before. Everyone was quiet as they noticed tears flowing in his eyes.

"How long has he been like this?" Coran asked the quiet people around him.

"Since Lotor entered the school a few weeks ago," Pidge said as they hugged themself.

"Lance hasn't been himself at all. And I think he was relieved to talk to the people he did before that all happened," Hunk said as a tear slid down his cheek.

A lot has happened in the past few weeks. With Lotor suddenly popping up and being a shit show, Lance not being himself, exams coming up soon. Even life wasn't being fair to everyone.

With Lance now, he could be seen crying into his knees on the window seat. With thoughts about earlier playing on repeat, Lance tried blocking out the thoughts from the cafe from his mind as he pulled his earphone and phone from his pocket and started his music.

With everything happening in his life right now, he just wanted to break down and head back home to leave everything behind. But his heart is telling him to stay with his friends he has here. Lance was torn at the thoughts he was having.

He soon fell asleep, with tears streaming down his cheeks. He was knocked out when the group came up and covered the boy in a blanket.

>Keith's POV<

'I wish I could knock that guy out,' I thought to himself as I walked down the street with Shiro.

"What's on your mind?" Shiro asked me as he walked next to me.

"Nothing important," I turned my face as I looked away from him.

"You want to kick his ass, don't you? Seriously, you can't keep your feelings from your eyes, Keith," Shiro said as he placed his hand on my arm.

"Stop reading my emotions. It creeps me out," I yank my arm from Shiro's grip. "The guy just annoys the shit out of me."

"If I knew he was like that, I wouldn't have let him stay in my class," Shiro admitted to me.

"Then kick him out," I turned to my older brother with an angry face.

"Even if I could, I would need more than half of the teachers to join me so we could kick him out of the school," Shiro said as he placed his hand on his chin.

"This world is full of shitty people," I rolled my eyes at nothing in particular. "Why can't people just keep to themselves."

"It's just how we developed as human beings, Keith. Next time you see him, try not to get yourself in trouble," Shiro said as he looked at me with a warning glare.

"I won't do anything drastic," I rolled my eyes as I began walking again.

"I'm serious, Keith," Shiro warned as he caught up to me.

"I know that..." I paused as a thought crossed my mind. "He does that too."

"Does what?" Shiro looks on questionably.

"He's the guy I dance against in the alley. You know the creepy guy in the light purple and silver hair," I said as my fists clenched.

"How did I not notice that when he started my class?!" Shiro was shocked from suddenly finding this out. "Lance wasn't acting like himself since Lotor joined the company a few weeks ago."

"Lance also looked out of it when he came into the cafe when I was working there a week or so ago," I reminded Shiro.

"I bet the group he has knows about all this," Shiro adds in.

"They do. I see them surrounding the boy in the halls when they switch classes," I gave more information to Shiro.

"For now, let's get home and relax before tonight," Shiro said as he walked ahead of me.

"Sure, but I'm not dancing tonight," I said as I followed the older male.

"Sure. Just don't forget that what you said that one night," Shiro smirked back at me.

"Still thinking about it," I rolled my eyes once more.

"It might have become a bigger chance now that you know that Lance has the same class as Lotor," Shiro smiled sadly at that.

"Definitely," I mumbled under my breath, but I could tell Shiro heard it.

Words: 1053

Here's a random update with no asking for an update, finally. Sorry for the long wait for the chapter. I'll edit it later today because it is currently 3 am and I'm lazy right now. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I hope you guys have a nice night.

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