3 How will they take it?

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Sorry for the sudden kiss that Lance had at the end of the 2nd chapter? part? I dont know. I just want to tell you all that I'm sorry.

Anyways to the story.

I dont even know why I just went straight to the dorms. The others will worry I'm not there during break right? Oh well I'll text them when that comes.

Lance walked into his dorm, taking off his shoes by the door, throwing his school bag on the couch and jumped into bed. He thought of what happened a few minutes ago. He just couldn't believe it. A GUY KISSED HIM!

How am I supposed to tell Hunk and Pidge? They know I'm bi but still a guy I dont know kissing me? No way will they treat me the same now.

Ok no thinking negative thoughts, it wont help. They will help me out.... right? Wait of course they will, we've been friends since middle school.

Lance got up to make himself a sandwich since his dance class always tires him out. As he passed through the halls and living room he realized how messy the place was.

"Guess I'll have to clean after that sandwich," Lance said to himself to help him remember it.

Getting himself a ham and cheese sandwich, Lance sat down on the couch and turned on the tv to a random station and started watching what was on it.

After finishing the episode he started, he started Pandora up and hooked his phone to the speakers. Now playing his music on full blast, Lance began to clean the common room (known as the living room).

Picking up a few days old Chinease food box he tossed it into a trash bag. Lance picked up old candy wrappers from when Shay stayed over last week, some balled up paper from when he, Hunk and Podge had a group project, etc. Let's just say the bag was half full when Lance finished with the common room.

Next Lance moved to the kitchen, washing plates that were in the sink from weeks before, sprayed and dried the counters and dining room table, swept and mopped the floor to the kitchen.

Lance moved on to the hall that separated the his and Hunk's room. Not much was there but he still cleaned there, like sweeping and mopping and whatnot.

Before he started on his bedroom, Lance took a short break on the couch in the common room. He looked at his phone which was still playing on the speakers. He turned down the volume and looked at the messages that blew up his phone. There must have been over a hundred texts in total. Most from the group chat that he, Hunk, Pidge, Matt, and Allura created.

Pidgeon: Hey has anyone seen Lance today?

Master_Chef: This morning when I was waking him up and running to school

Altean_Lura: He wasnt in our English class

Nerdy_Matty: He wasnt in Tech with me and Pidge either

Master_Chef: He wasnt in Space class with me or Pidge either and he never missed that class


Nerdy_Matty: Yelling in chat wont help

That was a few of the messages from that chat. They also sent separate texts too. So instead of texting them separately, he texted the group.

Blue_boy: Hey guys umm I'm sorry I havent been in classes but I started feeling horrible after the dance class.

Altean_lura: Oh no you ok?

Pidgeon: Do I need to come over after school?

Nerdy_matty: Hope you feel better mate.

Blue_boy: Thanks guys I am feeling a little better now.

Master_chef: Lance what's wrong?

Blue_boy: What do you mean? I felt sick so I went to the dorm

Master-chef: Dont lie to me mister. What happened after your dance class??

Pidgeon: What is Hunk saying?

Nerdy_matty: Did you fake sickness?!

Altean_lura: Lance did something bad happen?!

Blue_boy: Well something did happen. I dont know why or how but.....

Pidgeon: Do I have to kill someone?

Nerdy_matty: Pidge no

Master_chef: I might help you Pidge. Depends on what happened.

Nerdy_matty: NOT YOU TOO HUNK!

Altean_lura: Please tell us Lance we will help in any way we can. We have your back. Always

Blue_boy: Well some guy with silver white hair kissed me and I think it was the new kid in dance and he said that he'll make me his soon. It just freaked me out.

Altean_lura: oh



Nerdy_matty: I think I'll take Pidge on that offer of killing someone

Blue_boy: HE HAS WHAT CLASS?!?!

Pidgeon: Dont worry my lil' blue boy he wont be able to get you during that class I can make sure of it

Blue_boy: Thanks Pidge

Pidgeon: No problem my man

Altean_lura: He shouldn't have done that to you.

Nerdy_matty: OMG guys? h-hes in my class period right now.


Nerdy_matty: I wont kill him just yet.

Blue_boy: Thanks you guys for having my back and all but I should go back to cleaning our dorm. And Hunk I'm not touching your room. That's for you to clean.

Master_chef: Ok man, be safe and careful school is almost out.

Pidgeon: I'll come by ok?

Nerdy_matty: Me too

Altean_lura: I guess I'll accompany them also

Blue-boy: Ok See yall later

Pidgeon: Ok Later Tator

With that, Lance turned the music back up setting his phone down. He got up grabbed a new trash bag and headed to his room to clean it up.

Grabbing a basket from his closet, he started picking up his clothing from the floor, clean or dirty, does not matter. Getting all the clothing, he did his laundry. Waiting for it to finish, Lance went and picked up empty chip bags, soda cans, and balled paper from old English assignments. He tied the trash bag leaving in the hall for now. Lance made his bed for once and on his desk, he gathered his face paint for the Alley Dance group and placed them there. Along with his outfit for dancing out there.

Having cleaned his room, Lance took out both trash bags from cleaning the dorm. Once Lance got back inside, he turned off his music and layed on the couch. And before he knew it, Lance fell asleep.

Words: 1066

Hope this makes you happy for now I'll post again sometime later. Dont forget to comment and vote.

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