9 Out for coffee and an Army?

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Shiro and Keith followed silently behind the blue boy as worrying thoughts entered their mind.

"Do you know why he would act like this?" Shiro asked behind his shoulder.

"Not a clue. But yesterday, I noticed they were staying around him more than normal. It's like something just happened out of nowhere. But I wouldn't know anything about it," Keith said as he pulled his phone out.

"I should probably ask one of his friends then," Shiro could be seen with his hand under his chin as Keith glanced at Lance a few times. Little did they know they were going to find out why very soon.

The three soon walked into the café. The day's workers greeted them, some chatting with Keith, some smiling softly at Lance. Lance took a seat at a booth as Shiro sat at the window across from the boy in blue.

"So, do you always come here?" Shiro tried to make small talk to keep Lance occupied.

"Yeah. A friend and I are considered regulars in the morning. We usually get our coffee here," Lance said as he looked at the girls behind the counter with a small smile.

"That sounds nice," Shiro's small talk was atrocious.

"Sorry about my brother. He's terrible at small talk," Keith suddenly came up to the table with cups of coffee. "Straight black for you," Keith placed a cup in front of Shiro. "Diabetes in a cup," Keith set the cup in front of Lance as he gave a small chuckle. "And a creamy black coffee for me." Keith sat next to Shiro as he looked at Lance.

Said boy was staring into his coffee-making some of the workers nervous. Lance showed an unknown feeling to the workers there, making them think of a way to make him feel better.

"So, what is in this 'diabetes in a cup'?" Shiro asked as he looked over at Lance.

"Huh?" Lance jumped as he looked up at the two in front of him.

"What is your coffee made of?" Keith repeated for him.

"Oh, well. It's a cappuccino with about two or three scopes of sugar, depending on how I feel, whipped cream, and covered in sprinkles," Lance thought for a second as the workers normally make his coffee before he comes in.

"That does sound like diabetes in a cup," Shiro laughed lightly. "Is that why you're always on top of everything in dance?"

"Most of the time. But it helps me function throughout the day. Night owl and whatnot," Lance smiled a little as he looked into his cup.

"Honestly, you should have seen my face when he and his friend came in a few weeks ago. He said he wanted the regular, making me confused, but Nyma told me Lance and his friend, Hunk, right?" Lance nodded as a confirmation while taking a sip from his drink. "She told me they usually come in the morning every day at the same time. And honestly, when Nyma said you get that drink all the time, I was worried for your health. All that sugar mustn't be good for you," Keith said, eyeing Lance a little.

"That must have been a sight to see. Keith and his confused face is rare these days," Shiro laughed once more. "But seriously, why so much sugar?"

"Well, back home, I would usually wake up early for my nieces and nephews and always get to bed late to help out my parents and siblings when they get home," Lance said as he smiled more, thinking about his family. "It's a busy household back home."

"How many people do you live with?" Shiro was curious now, wanting to know more about his student.

"Well, in one house, there's my grandma, my parents, my older brother, his wife and daughter, my second oldest sister with her son, my little brother, and the two twins," Lance said as he was counting on his fingers. "Then, my first oldest sister is living with her husband and their son."

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