12 Something from the past?

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As lunch came around, the friend group sat at their table, waiting for everyone to be settled. Lance sat down with his tray full of food with Pidge on his left. As Allura and Matt leave the table to get their trays, an unwanted visitor sat on Lance's right.

"Is this seat taken?" Lotor said as he hooked his arm around Lance's shoulders.

"Sorry, but that seat is taken," Pidge piped up from Lance's left.

"Well, no one is sitting in it. So, I'll just take it," Lotor said as he started eating his food.

"Could you take your hand off of me?" Lance asked in a small voice.

"Sure," Lotor said as he moved his hand down my back and onto my thigh.

A shiver of fear crawled down Lance's back as the silvered-haired male smiled at him.

Pidgeon: we need help over here

Master_chef: lotor is back

Red_EmoTea: what table and why this name?

Pidgeon: you can change the name later. We are at our normal table about three over from your old one.

Master_chef: come quick, please. Lance looks like he won't last long.

With that, Pidge and Hunk try to keep lance from freaking out too much and shutting down like the day before.

"Why are you here, Lotor," Hunk asked. Anger showed on his face.

"To see my little beauty," Lotor said as he tilted his head to the side with an innocent smile.

"You can't fool me, sorry," Pidge said as they rolled their eyes at Lotor.

"But it's the truth," Lotor leaned into Lance's face.

"I'm sorry, but PDA is not allowed here on campus," a voice said from behind Lotor and Lance, stopping Lotor from his persistence.

"Really? I didn't read that anywhere in the rulebook," Lotor said as he pulled away from Lance.

"I think you may have missed it. There is a full section about it. Look here," Keith said as he held the book between Lance's and Lotor's faces. "Oh, and you're in my seat."

"Sorry, man," Lotor said as he pushed the book from his face and stood.

Before Lotor left, though, he gave Lance a small kiss on his cheek. Lance shivered as tears formed in his eyes.

"Are you ok?" Keith, Pidge, and Hunk said at once.

"Y-yeah," Lance stumbled as he clenched his eyes closed.

"What did he do?" Keith asked as he sat in the seat Lotor just left.

"He had his hand around Lance's back, and when he said something about it, lotor slid his hand down to Lance's thigh," Pidge said as she glared at their food.

"Why does this have to happen to me," Lance mumbled to himself.

The people around him heard him and grew worried for the boy.

"Is it ok if I touched you?" Keith asked, wanting Lance's answer. Lance nodded as he took a deep breath. "I need a verbal answer to know that it's really ok."

"Y-yes," Lance spoke lowly.

Keith slowly moved his hand onto Lance's shoulder. He could feel Lance tense under his touch.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to calm you down," Keith said as he spoke calmly. "Just listen to me. Breath in and out just like me."

Lance nodded his head as he followed the raven-haired teen's instructions. Lance slowly came down from a forming panic attack. He closed his eyes as he continued breathing. He could feel the small warmth coming from Keith's hand.

"That's better," Keith said as he gave a small smile and removed his hand from Lance's shoulder.

"Sorry," Lance said suddenly.

"Why?" Pidge and Hunk asked as they watched their friend calm down.

"I'm a burden to you all," Lance whispered as small tears rolled down his cheeks. "I should go back home."

"NOO!!" Pidge screamed out, making the other males jump. "You are not leaving us behind."


"No, but's Lance. Pidge is right. You aren't allowed to leave this small family we have here," Hunk said. "I'm sorry for all that's happening, but you can't run away from this."

"Look, I know you guys mean well, but I've been in situations like this before, and it wasn't fun," Lance spoke, shocking all the people there. The rest of the group arrived with Pidge screamed. "An abusive relationship, people were cheating on me, the whole shebang."

"We have been friends since middle school, and you just now tell us this?!" Pidge was getting furious.

"I never told you guys because I didn't want you guys to worry," Lance said, tears streaming down his face as the truth comes out slowly. "I thought I was over with that nightmare."

"Sometimes nightmares never go away," Keith said as he took a deep breath. "Sometimes, they show up in different forms. Females, males, dreams. All you can do is get back up from the fall and keep your head up."

"I'm sorry," Lance said once more as he sobbed into his hands.

"There's no need to be sorry. We are here for you, and we are staying by your side," Allura said as she hugged the crying boy.

"We are never leaving you behind. Once you join the family, there's no turning back," Matt said with a smile. "Sorry, Keith, but you can't run now."

"I joined when Lance and I talked at the café the other day. It was bound to happen," Keith said with a shrug.

"If you're a part of this family, you better get in on this hug," Pidge said as they pulled Keith into the hug.

Keith was shocked but melted into the warmth the group gave off. Lance's sobs could be heard slowing down within the pile of bodies.

"Can't breathe. Air," Lance said as he was being squished under five bodies.

"Sorry," everyone said as they chuckled a little and got off of the boy.

With that, the group of six enjoyed their lunch to the fullest they could. Lance was surprised at how Keith seemed to fit so well in the group they had.

When class started up again, Keith stayed behind to accompany Lance to their class.

"Let's get this show on the road," Keith commented as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah," Lance smiled as he walked beside Keith to their class.

Words: 1049

Here's a random chapter today. Sorry about the sudden past reveal. It's just what my hands typed. I hope this chapter is enjoyable. I'll see you guys as soon as I can.

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