15 Never Have I Ever?

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And so the night commenced. Hunk and Matt were left with 4 fingers, Allura, Lance, and Pidge were left with 6 fingers, and Keith was left with 8. And so Pidge being Pidge, had their eyes locked onto target.

"Never have I ever did an activity outside of school. Like dancing with strangers, singing in from of others or in a group, or volunteering," Pidge sent a wink to both Lance and Allura.

Everyone put down a finger, and all Pidge did was smile.

"Never have I ever hid something from a close friend," Hunk said with a sad smile to Lance as he said this. "Sorry, bro."

"It's ok. Though this finger is for something other than that," Lance sent a sad smile back at Hunk. Allura, Pidge, and Keith also joined in, putting a finger down.

"Never have I ever been awake for more than 48 hours over a self-project," Lance said as he glared at the siblings.

"That's not fair," both Matt and Pidge put down a finger as they laughed.

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone in this room," Allura blurted out.

"Oh, that's a good one. So sad I didn't think of that," Pidge laughed out as everyone went silent. All eyes went straight to Lance as they watched him put a finger down slowly.

"It's human nature," Lance pouted as he turned away from the group.

"It's ok. We all had a crush on one of our friends before," Matt smiled as he also put down a finger as he winked at Allura.

"I see you still have a crush on me," Allura just smiled and shook her head.

"I can always dream, my princess," Matt sent a kiss at Allura, but she swatted it away with her hand. "But I always get rejected."

"Anyways, never have I ever blew up a kitchen," Hunk laughed.

"We really need to stop doing that," Matt laughed as Pidge dropped their head. "Also, I'm out."

"How am I losing now?!" Pidge yelled out.

"You kids ok?" Coran's voice could be heard yelling from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes," everyone called back.

"Anyways, Keith, you got one?" Allura asked as everyone settled back down.

"Umm, never have I ever..." Keith thought for a few seconds. Then, "I don't know."

"Just give us your best shot," Lance smiled at the raven-haired boy.

"Uh, never have I ever been on stage?" Keith asked.

"If it's dance, then yes," Lance said as he put down a finger.

"If it's about any science or technology-based presentation for college, then yes," Pidge lowered their head as they put down yet another finger. "And I thought I would win this time."

"Sorry," Keith said as he looked at Pidge apologetically.

"This game knows nothing about apologies," Allura laughed out.

"This may take me out but never have I ever been out dancing past 9," Pidge said as they dropped their last finger. Allura, Lance, and Keith put down one of their fingers.

"What do you mean out dancing past 9?" Hunk asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the four people.

"Something we can't say anything about," Allura smiled as Matt gave Lance a wink in knowing.

"How did you three find out about it?"Keith raised his voice as he suddenly rose to his feet.

"Lance here saw a poster on your brother's desk. Pidge, Matt, and I, on the other hand, are a bit nosy. When we hear anything that interests us, we go," Allura informed the male.

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