2 What just happened?

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Lance walked to where the mob was, looking at the different colors people were wearing. There were many different shades of reds, greens, yellows, oranges, pinks, and a few blues. This place looked amazing.

Lance made it to the center of the circle seeing the guy in red, that bumped into him on the way in, and a male in light purple. The male in purple had silvery white hair like Lance's cousin, while the one in red had his raven black mulet tied up. And they seem to be dancing.... free style. 

The dancers limbs were flying everywhere as they danced against each other. A few minutes last later, The Red Phoenix was called winner from that battle. The male in red raised a fist to the night sky, walking out of the circle of screaming people. 

A few more dancers, one in a green the other in a light pink, walked to the center. The green one was introduced as The Green Robot, bowed in an Avatar the Last Airbender way. Lance chuckled to himself for getting the reference. The girl in pink was introduced as Mother of Pink, she did a princess curtsey. 

'What's with everyone having their color in their name?' Lance thought.

As the two began to dance, Lance walked away to find "The Red Phoenix" guy. To Lance's surprise, he spotted the male in red leaving the alley way. Following after he noticed a guy with black face paint came up to him. Lance stopped for a minute listening into their conversation (I know not that nice but who cares everyone does it :p). 

"You know you have a lot of talent, why not join my dance class at school I work for?" the male in black said. Lance jumped realizing that that voice belongs to his ballet teacher Mr. Takashi.

"Yeah yeah I know. I just dont want to go through all the trouble of learning what I already know, meeting new people or dancing in front of audiences," the male in red said.

"Keith you always dance in front of an audience that's what you just did," Mr Takashi said.

"Maybe. I'll think about it," Keith, the guy in red, said.

"That's my man."

"What have I told you about saying that."

The two began to walk out of the alley, Mr Takashi's arm around Keith's shoulders.

As Lance looked back at the crowd of people, he could see the guy who danced against Keith looking straight at him. As if he's staring into Lance's soul. Chills begin to run down his back as Lance made his way out of the alley to his dorm room.

Lance made it back to his dorm room around 2 am. Noticing Hunk isnt home yet, Lance figured he stayed the night at Shay's house. Lance jumped into bed almost suddenly sinking into the bed sheets. Lance curled up into a ball, looking through his social media pages. Soon falling asleep, Lance's phone fell from his hands.

~~Time Skip~~

Lance woke up to Hunk yelling at him. 

'Hunk must've came back earlier.... WAIT WHAT TIME IS IT!!!!!!!' Lance jumped out of bed, grabbing his clothing and changing quickly. Hunk and Lance ran straight to school, missing out of their morning coffee and their handshake.

They ran off in different directions, Hunk to the main building for classes, Lance to the second building for Ballet. Lance quickly went and changed in the bathroom. Once getting into his ballet clothing, Lance rushed into the dance room beginning his stretches. Every pair of eyes was on Lance as he finished up.

Mr Takashi walked in with a student behind him? Every one lined up in front of the two, that just walked in, the room becoming silent. 

"I know it's kinda late for some one to join us out of the blue but we have a new student coming from a different company. Or as you, students, like to call it class," Takashi started, motioning at the student next to him. "Ladies and Gentle men, Lotor will be joining us for as long as he can."

Lotor stood slightly behind Takashi but to his left. He eyed all the students in front of him, smiling to himself at a few. As his eyes hit Lances they stayed there, causing goose bumps to appear on Lance's arms. Lance recognized this feeling from last night. And Lotors hair almost confirms his thoughts. 

"Its a pleasure to be working with you all, I hope we all can get along," Lotor said, never moving his eyes from Lance. Lance mentally took a step back in fear of Lotor.

Lance knew something was off with him, he just couldn't point out what yet.

~~Time Skip~~

'What a work out' Lance came out into the hall after putting his clothing away. Suddenly Lance was pushed to a wall, by a tall figure. All Lance could see was silvery white hair before a pair of lips kissed his. Lance closed his eyes, feeling air hit his lips, words were whispered into Lance's ear.

"I will make you mine soon. Just you wait."

The figure disappeared when Lance opened his eyes.

'W-what just h-happened?! W-was I kissed by a guy?!  A guy I just meet?!'  Lance began to run home not going to his classes or lunch.

Words: 893

Sorry for short chapter and it being everywhere. But I got it updated.

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