5 Going as a Group?

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The sight of the ocean through the trees may have been beautiful, but looking at it from the shore was breathtaking. The blue ocean perfectly matched Lance's blue eyes. Matt, Pidge, and Hunk ran into the water, taking off their cover ups along the way. Allura set up a small area where she put everyones bags, clothing, and the snacks they had. 

"Come on Lance. Get over here," Pidge yelled at Lance from Hunk's shoulders. Matt went swimming a few feet away from them.

"Coming," Lance slowly took off his shirt and went to the water. 

For some reason the ocean always calmed him down. It was the same way for his old friend, Haru. (Free! was a good show.) Lance walked over to where Hunk and PIdge were. Pidge jumped from Hunks shoulder and canon balled into the water getting both Lance and Hunk drenched. 

"Really Pidge," Hunk said, splashing Pidge a little as she resurfaces. 

"Ha sorry about that," Pidge apologized.

Lance calmly swam a little farther away from Pidge and Hunk. Going a few more feet, Lance stopped and relaxed. Lance felt the water wash the horrible day away.

Pidge and Hunk continued to splash each other as Lance relaxed. Hunk noticed Lance floating in the water.

"He definitely got affected by that guy," Hunk whispered.

"Come on let's go cheer him up," Pidge said slowly swimming to Lance. "Hey Lance, wanna get some food and chat?"

Lance opened his eyes to see Pidge above him blocking the sun from his face. 

"Uh sure."

The three walked back to the shore to find Allura reading. She set the book down when the three sat on the blanket.

"So where is everyone? Its a beautiful day out," Hunk asked.

"Oh this is an unknown part of the beach. Not many people come here," Allura answered.

"Its nice," Lance stated, Pidge nodded her head.

"Wait wheres Matt?" Allura asked.

"Still swimming," it was Pidge's turn to answer.

"I'll go get him," Hunk said.

"Ok about that club... " Allura starts.

"We need to talk about that," Pidge finished.

Lance layed down on the blanket and looked at the clear blue sky, "I already told you I never told anyone about it. And I only went once so."

"We know you said that, I was just about to invite you to come with us tonight," Allura said motioning to her and Pidge.

"That would be nice," Lance responded.

"On the way there we can give you little tips, how does that sound?" Pidge questioned.

"Sounds like a plan," Lance said as both Hunk and Matt came up to the three of them.

"Let's start eating," Pidge jumped up.

Everyone started eating little snacks that they brought, which consisted of small figure sandwiches, chips, oreos, grapes, and ice cream. After a while of relaxing, funny jokes, and some more swimming, the group went back into town for the night.

Matt and Pidge's house was the first stop, Pidge came out of their house with a bag while Matt stayed inside. Next was the dorm that Hunk and Lance shared. Everyone came in for a drink.

"So Lance would you like to visit your favorite Unlce?" Allura asked adding a little wink only Lance and Pidge saw.

"Yea I'll go pack," Lance said getting the hint as he left to gather his things.

Lance grabbed a bag and filled it with pajamas for the night, clothing for tomorrow, the club outfit, face paint for the club. Leaving his room to find Hunk entering his room.

"Ok I'm ready to go," Lance said getting into the livingroom.

Allura and Pidge got up and walked to the front door, Lance behind them.

"Ready to get to know other dancers?" Pidge asked.

"Yup. Though I was wondering what your names where," Lance questioned as they got into the car and left for the club.

"I'm Mother of Pink," Allura answered.

"And in The Green Robot," Pidge answered after.

"I saw you two dance the other night after that Red Phoenix guy," Lance said.

"He usually leaves after his dance, we both lost against him," Allura said.

"He must be really good then."

"Yup. So I was wondering what is your little code name?" Podge asked Lance.

"Uhh I don't know yet," Lance kinda whispered it.

"Hmm what's the color you chose?" Allura asked.


"Oh how about The Blue Lion," Pidge shouted.

"That's nice," Lance said leaning back in his seat.

"Ok we are here. Lance can change in here while we change in that coffee shop. We can put the face paint on in here," Allura said as she grabbed her things and left. Pidge and Lance nodded as their also grabbed their things.

Lance changed into his dance clothes, consiting of loose blue jeans and a white tank top. Pidge and Allura soon came back in wearing their outfits.

"You can do whatever you want for the face paint just make sure it covers your eyes," Pidge said, getting her green face paint out, making a pattern of robotic parts and what not.

Allura grabbed her pink face paint, adding some different shades of pink flowers. Lance grabbed his blue face paint and began painting his face also. He made patterns of blue waves and a small lion face between his eyes.

Soon everyone was finished, exiting the car they saw The Red Phoenix entering the alley. The three soon followed after, entering the crowded place.

Words: 912

Sorry for the very late update. Took me a good 6 days to write when I wasnt emotionally/mentally drained. I lost my grandmother to cancer yesterday. My family and I are ok just having a hard time at the moment but we are getting through it. Hope you guys are all have a great day/night and had a great week. See you soon.

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