6 First Dance Fight

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Getting into the alley way, the group saw the usual crowd surrounding the random dancers. This time it was a silver haired guy in purple, dancing against the Red Phoenix. Yes, he may have just arrived but he doesn't waste his time, I guess.

Lance, Allura, and Pidge walked around. Well, more like Lance followed the other two. Allura and Pidge walked up to the DJ claiming the next dance fight for Pidge and Lance.

The DJ called out over the music, "Next fight will go to The Green Robot and a newbie, The Blue Lion."

Cheers erupted from the crowd from that announcement, making Lance nervous. The dance fight between Red Phoenix and the male in purple began to end. Every one began to clap as the music stopped and changed.

The two males exit the crowd while Pidge and Lance entered. The guy in purple exited first staring at Lance the entire time. Red Phoenix glanced at Lance once but continued on his way.

"Come on Blue Lion let's dance," Pidge grinned as she pulled my hand to the circle in the middle of the crowd.

People started cheering us to start. Lance took a deep breath and wiggled his body to get rid of the nerves that were starting to grow. Some people in the crowd giggled as Lance did this. Lance stilled and opened his eyes, nodding at Pidge, ready to start.

Pidge nodded back as she stepped forward and began dancing.

(dance starts at 1:40)

As Pidge ends her dance, the crowd went wild. Lance stood there a little shocked. He shook his own head as he took a step forward, ready to dance.

'I may not be able to top that but I can sure as hell try.' Lance thought.

The crowd erupts in cheers and chants as Lance finished dancing. Lance's hearing faded out as he caught his breath and looked around him. Pidge ran and hung around Lance's neck smiling at him like an idiot. Pidge pulled Lance out of the circle as two new dancers walked in.

Pidge pulled him to where Allura was standing and his hearing finally returned to him. Allira pulled him into a hug, surprising the boy.

"Congrated Lance you won," Allura whisper yelled into Lance's ear so he could hear her.

"I-I won?" Lance looked shocked as he pulled back and looked at the two girls who were ecstatic.

Pidge just nodded as she once again hugged Lance.

"We should probably get out of here, some of us have classes in the morning," Allura smiled as she turned and led the group out of the alley.

They all climbed into the van, Pidge getting a few makeup wipes out of her bag and handing them to the other two. They thanked Pidge and took off their painted masks. Getting the makeup off finally, they headed to the college dorms where they split ways. Allura to her dorm, Pidge to hers, and Lance to his shared dorm with Hunk.

Upon entering the dorm, Lance heard the soft snores Hunk made coming from his room. Smiling to himself Lance tip toed to his room, closing the door as quietly as possible. Lance placed the bag of clothing and paint by his desk. He changed into a blue crop top type night shirt and shorts of a darker shade of blue.

Climbing into bed, Lance laid there looking up at the ceiling thinking about what happened the past few days before slowly falling asleep.

Words: 587

Sorry for the short chapter but I was having major writers block and didnt know how to continue till now. Hope it isn't as crappy as I think it is. Anyways enjoy the chapter and you day/night.

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