16 A new Voltron?

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"He should be here any minute. So let's get ready," Keith said as he and the group stood by Allura's van.

Keith, taking the lead, stood in front of the group. He wore a blood-red hoodie and black jeans with a phoenix on his right leg. Keith tied his red scarf on his left wrist as a painted mask of red flames covered his eyes.

Lance helped Hunk with his mask. Lance wore a white tank top and loose blue jeans. He placed his blue scarf on his right thigh as painted waves covered his eyes like a mask. Seeing as he finished with Hunk, he moved to help Allura braid her hair.

Hunk, as he moved closer to Pidge to continue questioning about this dance thing. He wore a loose yellow tank top and black shorts. He placed a yellow scarf around his forehead as yellow cracks covered his eyes, fashioned like a mask.

Pidge answered Hunk's questions as best they could. They wore a loose green crop top, with a black sports bra under it, and forest green shorts. Pidge tied their green scarf on their right arm, and a painted mask of green gears covered their eyes. Finally, Pidge turned to Matt to explain further.

Matt wore a black t-shirt with lime designs and black jeans. He placed his lime-colored scarf on his left arm with a mask matching Pidge's but in a lime color. Matt took over the answering as Pisge took a deep breath.

Allura stood still as Lance finished up her braid. She wore a light pink tank top and black tights. She wears her pink scarf around her waist, and multiple flowers in pink decorated her cheeks. Allura thanked the male with a kiss on the cheek.

"How much longer till he arrives?" Allura asked as she turned to Keith.

"So, you weren't lying about a group," Shiro's voice was heard from behind the group.

"They suggested it," Keith put his hands up in surrender.

"Good to see you out and about, Lance," Shiro greeted as the group turned to face Shiro.

"Omg! Allura, it's him!" Pidge started fangirling as they jumped up and down, holding onto Allura's arm. "It's the famous Black Space!"

"I-I know Pidge. Calm down," Allura said as a slight blush adorned her cheeks.

"Sorry about that one," Lance apologized as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Let me introduce the others." Everyone lined up in front of Shiro and Keith. "The one jumping around is Pidge, our Green Robot. The 'twin' next to them would be their brother Matt or Lime Robo. Allura would be next. Mother of Pink is her stage name. The new dancer would be Hunk or Yellow Chef. And you can call me Blue Rogue."

"I thought you went by Blue Lion?" Keith asked as he lifted an eyebrow.

"I wanted to change my name," Lance gave a sad look as he moved his gaze to the ground below them.

"I know Keith must have introduced me, but it's only fair," Shiro smiled as he placed a hand on Lance's shoulder. "I'm Shiro, Lance's dance teacher. Or for those who know, I'm Black Space."

Shiro wore a black tank top with purple designs on it and black jeans. He placed his purple scarf on his right wrist as a black and purple galaxy decorated his eyes in the shape of a mask.

"Now, explain what's going on and why you joined a group," Shiro asked as he turned to face Keith.

"Well, they invited me to stay over, and somehow this popped up," Keith pointed to the alley people were entering and exiting. "And Matt mentioned the event for tonight."

"Ok," Shiro nodded as he thought of this. "What is the theme of the group?"

"I thought of a new age Voltron?" Lance quietly answered.

"That does work. We have the original five lions and with Allura and Matt, was it?" Shiro looked at the two in question, getting a nod from both. "With Allura and Matt on the team, it is like a new age Voltron. Even if in the original there was a white lion."

"That was what Lance was saying earlier!" Pidge smiled up at Lance, who was scratching his neck again.

"I... Thanks," Lance smiled out.

As the group talked a while longer, Lance's eyes roamed over the bodies going through the alley. Then, going stiff, Lance caught the eyes of Lotor, who stood in the crowd. The group noticed Lance go quiet as they followed his gaze through the crowd.

"I knew Lotor looked familiar," Keith, Pidge, and Allura mumbled to themselves.

Hearing this, the others looked back at Lance, staring at the male clad in a lavender purple.

"You going to be ok?" Keith asked as he stood next to Lance taking a defensive stance.

Lance jumped in his skin as he was taken from his trance. Finally, he managed to leave the eye contact he had in favor of looking at the male in red next to him.

"Y-yeah. I'll be fine," Lance gave a weak smile to Keith and the rest of the group that made their way to the two.

"I warn you, dancing and cleaning are things that calm Lance down," Hunk informed the new members of the family. Shiro nodded as he gave a smile to Lance understanding the dancing.

"We should get going. They should have started the event," Matt said as the group nodded in his direction.

Everyone took a deep breath, and as one, the group of seven stepped forward.

The male standing at the entrance, like a bouncer, smiled to himself as he saw Red Pheonix and Black Space were surrounded by more people. Then, leaning into his walky-talky, he informed the DJ.

"The Red Pheonix and Black Space have entered. And they have a group," the bouncer said into the device on his shoulder.

'That's great! Let's see what the famous Black Space and his friends can show us,' the DJ sounded back.

The bouncer nodded to the group as they passed by him. Shiro knew the others holding the dance fights knew of his group presence, seeing as he was smiling.

"Stay close to us, Hunk. You will get lost easily," Allura said as she linked arms with Hunk and Lance.

"Gotcha," Hunk gave a thankful smile in return as the group continued their way through the crowd.

"Can I get some silence!" the DJ called out over the microphone they had at their table.

An eery silence went through the alley as everyone stood still and waited for the announcement to sound.

"I am happy to announce the arrival of the legendary Black Space!" the DJ called out as Shiro raised his hand in the air.

"How's it going, Adam!" Shiro called over the crowd.

"It's great to see you in the arena once again old friend," the DJ, Adam, smiled out. "Now for the real announcement, the group performance will start in a few minutes!"

With the mic cutting out, the crowded alley broke into chaos. Most talking excitedly, others looking between their friends and Shiro.

"How did they know you arrived?" Lance asked as he looked at a smiling Shiro.

"The guy at the entrance told Adam when he saw us walking past him," Shiro replied to Lance.

"The three knew each other since their middle school years," Keith gave out his answer.

"Let me guess, you three danced together?" Lance asked.

"Something like that," Shiro smiled at the memories that crossed his mind. "I'll go put in our group so they can put us on the roster."

With that, Shiro left the group to do their thing as he spoke with the DJ and placed their group in.

Words: 1296

Thanks for reading. I hope this chapter is not a complete mess. I have had a mess of a week myself but here's what I owe you guys for being patient. Anyways, enjoy your day/night. See you next time, cubs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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