13 Keith enters the party?

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"So, what do you guys normally do?" Keith asked Lance as they walked around campus.

"Well, we normally just hang out at my dorm or our Uncle's house," Lance listed off as they walked past other students. "Sometimes we make fun of the others, sometimes we just relax, self-care, and just eat snacks."

"Sounds social," Keith shivered a little.

"Yeah, but you'll get used to it soon," Lance smiled a little as he looked at Keith.

"I guess," Keith shrugged as the two continued to walk.

"I guess this is where we split," Lance sighed as the two walked out the doors.

"Where are you going?" Keith gave Lance a questioning look.

"Just the dorms to work on homework," Lance pointed towards the road that leads to the dormitory, the college-owned.

"Isn't it like a ten-minute walk from here?" Keith asked as he remembered where he would have stayed if it wasn't for Shiro.

"Yeah, but a peaceful ten-minute walk," Lance gave a content smile as he began to walk.

"How about I take you there," Keith pointed to the parking lot to their left.

"And why would we head that way when I live in the opposite direction?" Lance asked as he gave Keith a questioning look.

"I have a motorcycle, dumbass," Keith rolled his eyes at the now stunned boy.

"Y-you have a motorcycle," Lance slowly leaned his head toward Keith as in to make a point, somehow.

"Would you like the ride or not?" Keith smiled at the boy who just gave him a blinking stare.

"Would I? Hell yeah," Lance jumped up and down before following a smiling Keith into the parking lot.

The two walked up to a bright red motorcycle. Lance stopped short as he admired the color of it. Keith just handed Lance his black helmet and started up the bike. Lance's smile widened as he put the helmet on and climbed onto the bike.

"Now, you can either hold onto my shoulders or wrap your arms around my waist," Keith called over the growl of the bike. "If you get comfortable, you don't have to hold on."

"Got it," Lance nodded his head and put his hands on the other's shoulders.

Keith revved the bike before pulling out of the parking lot. As the two sped down the street to the dorms, Keith could see Lance smiling like a goofball with one hand in the air from the mirrors. Smiling to himself, Keith felt relief. He thought Lance would be closed off after the events of Lunch.

Lance, on the other hand, was enjoying himself. Yes, he was a little scared, but he enjoyed the wind blowing at his face. Lance giggled as Keith slowly wobbled the bike side to side as the road straightened out. The two boys enjoyed the time they had as they went down the road.

As they reached the dormitories parking lot, they saw Allura's car surrounded by the others. Keith parked his motorcycle next to them.

"So, how was the ride?" Pidge smirked at Lance.

"It was an experience," Lance smiled as he took the helmet off and gave it back to Keith.

"I didn't know you had a bike," Hunk said as Matt walked around, giving it a curious eye.

"Yeah. Got it when I entered college," Keith shrugged his shoulders as he took the keys from the bike and placed the helmet on the seat.

"So, what's going on today?" Allura asked as she looked at the group.

"We can do homework here, or we can relax at Uncle's," Lance shrugged as he leads the group of five into his shared dorm.

"We can relax at Uncles. You know how much he loves you guys," Allura started. "Plus, he has to meet the new brother."

"Brother?" Keith asked as he was the last into the dorm.

"Yeah. He calls us all his children even if we aren't related at all," Lance waved at him in a 'don't question it' way. "I'll grab some snacks before we get everything together then."

Lance walked into the small kitchen the dorm had and grabbed chips, sodas, and a few gummies for those who liked them. Everyone sat in their spot, Pidge on a green bean bag, Hunk in his armchair, Allura on one side of the couch, Matt on the coffee table, and Keith just sat on the floor.

"You know you can sit on the couch or the other bean bags," Lance said as he placed the snacks on the table behind Matt.

"I didn't know what was taken or not," Keith said as he sat in a lime green bean bag.

"The only spot you need to be careful about is Pidge's bean bag," Matt laughed as he pointed at Pidge.

"It's my seat, so no one touches it," Pidge said in a gremlin-type voice, making everyone laugh and Keith smile a little.

"So, when are we leaving for Uncle's?" Hunk asked as he opened a bag of chips.

"We can get ready in a few minutes. Let Keith get mentally ready for everything that might happen," Allura said as she grabbed a soda.

"Sure," Keith said as he leaned back into the bean bag he sat in. He watched as the others conversed and ate before texting Shiro.

Space_Emo: I won't be home tonight.

Space_Boi69: Why? What about tonight?

Space_Emo: Tonight can happen some other time. I got invited by that boy from yesterday, Lance, to join him.

Space_Boi69: Lance, as in the one who you knocked teeth out for?

Space_Emo: Yeah, that one. And trust me, I was about to loosen some more teeth.

Space_Boi69: What did the guy do now.

Space_Emo: I rather say when we see each other.

Space_Boi69: Fine. I'll see you when you get home.

Space_Emo: See ya.

"Hey Keith," Lance said as he waved his hand in front of the raven-haired boy.

"Uh, yes?" Keith asked as he looked up from his phone.

"I was calling you for the last minute. Everything good?" Lance asked as he took a step back.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just told my brother I wouldn't be home tonight," Keith turned off his phone and put it in his pocket. "What's happening?"

"Well, we were just about to grab stuff for Uncle's," Lance said as Hunk came from his bedroom, Allura pulling out her keys, and the siblings were putting things in their bags.

"K," Keith said as he stood from the bean bag.

"Are you joining us or going on a bike?" Allura asked as everyone lined up at the door.

"All up to the biker," Lance turned to Keith, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure. I'll follow behind you guys," Keith grabbed his keys and followed after the smiling group.

"Be safe," Hunk called as the others ran to Allura's car.

Words: 1138

Sorry, it's such a late update. I'm not sure what I'll do for the next chapter, so it might take me a bit. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have a nice day/night.

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