4 Wait they know about it?

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Lance woke to a giggling voice and a flash of a camera. He opened his eyes to see Pidge holding her phone behind her back, Matt face palming, Allura sitting on a chair next to the dorms window, and Hunk eating a bag of chips.

"Pidge please delete that photo," Lance said sitting up.

"Nope. You look to precious when you sleep. And it makes for great blackmail," Pidge winked at Lance, putting her phone in her bag.

"Whatever. How long have you guys been here?" Lance asked, making room on the couch for the others.

"Long enough for Pidge and Matt to argue about that picture and for Hunk to eat 3 small bags of chips," Allura said.

"Dont worry dude, they are in the trash now. Though you really did a good job cleaning this place," Hunk said sitting next to Lance. "Did he really get to you that much?"

"Why would you ask that Hunk?" Allura asked a little confused.

"Well, since you are new to this group of weirdos, you should know that Lance doesn't really clean his room, let alone the whole dorm," Matt answered for Hunk, sitting on the edge of the wooden coffee table.

"Lance only cleans when there is something on his mind. Good or bad, it doesn't matter," Pidge added from her spot on a bean bag in the corner closet to the group.

"Makes sense but wouldn't he clean otherwise? Considering how many people he grew up with?  Oh no offense Lance," Allura said.

"No offense taken, Allura. Besides being a big family,  the house was hardly ever dirty," Lance informed Allura.

"So this person really did get to you," Allura thought to herself.

"Thing is, it shouldn't effect me like it did," Lance said looking down at his knees.  "I mean, yeah I kissed people before and yes some males." Lance began to tear up.

"Look Lance, we are here for you," Pidge said, walking upto Matt putting a hand on his shoulder. "And if need be, we could kill him if you ask us too."

"No, no killing anyone, even if what he did was wrong," Lance said ggetting up.

"Hey why dont we eat out tonight? All of us," Hunk suggested, standing next to Lance.

"But we could go to the beach and hang out before eating," Allura also suggested, getting up as well.

"Well, that sounds like a plan. Right Lance?" Matt asked.

"Yea sure, I just want to be home by 9 ok?" Lance said. "Let's all meet in front of the cafe near here after we get everything together," Lance left for his room as Matt, Pidge and Allura ran out the front door.

"Hey are you sure your well enough to leave the dorm?" Hunk asked making Lance stop in front of his bedroom door.

"Yeah," Lance gave Hunk a fake smile as he entered his room.

"Ok," Hunk whispered to himself, entering his own room.

Time Skip

Hunk and Lance were inside the cafe waiting for the others to arrive. When the two sat at a booth, a male waiter came by to take their order. Lance recognized the voice of the waiter. The face wasnt recognizable but that voice was, even if Lance heard it once. The voice belonged to the one and only, The Red Phoenix.

"Um yes I'd like my regular please," Lance speaking softly.

"Your regular?" the waiter, or Red Phoenix, asked.

"Oh right only the morning people know us," Lance mumbled to himself.

"I could call some one from the morning shift if dont want to tell me the order sir," the waiter said.

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