8 Suspicions arise?

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With barely sleeping the past night, Lance walked silently down the stairs only to see Coran making a big breakfast for the group.

"Uh hey, Coran. Need any help?" Lance asked as he stepped into the kitchen.

"Oh, Lance my boy. Why are you up so early?" Coran asked as he looked up from his famous French toast he was making.

"I, uh, didn't sleep last night," Lance said as he looked anywhere but at Coran.

"Then something bad must have really happened then. Don't worry I won't push you," Coran said as he turned away from Lance and gave an angry look at the pancakes he was flipping.

"I'm going to head out for a bit. I should be back when the others are awake," Lance grabbed his phone from his pocket and walked out the house.

"I'm so sorry my boy. I'll try my best to keep him away from you," Coran whispered to himself as he continued to cook breakfast.

As Lance walked out onto the street, he began his journey to the coffee shop like always. Putting his music on, he had a peaceful jog soon to be interrupted.

"Lance wait up..." Lance heard a familiar voice calling from behind him.

Turning around and pulling out one earbud, Lance sees his dance teacher and the dancer from the club.

"O-oh hi Mr. Shiro," Lance bowed his head slightly.

"What are you doing out here alone?" Shiro asked as the two men walked up to Lance.

"Wanted to take a walk and get some coffee from the café," Lance said as he glanced at the two before looking back at the ground.

"We were just on our way there; would you mind if we joined you?" Shiro asked as he looked behind him to an antisocial Keith.

"N-no not really," Lance said as he put one earbud in and lowered the volume.

"Good, cause my little brother is horrible with conversations," Shiro said as he laughed out loud.

"I'm not so great at it right now either," Lance whispered to himself as he continued his walk.

Keith heard this as he was glancing at Lance as they started their walk to the café.

'Something must be bothering him. From what I see of him, he's always smiling and laughing.' Keith thought to himself as he looked at the sky.

"So Lance, how has school been?" Shiro asked Lance.

"It's ok. Why do you ask?" Lance gave a weary look at Shiro who was looking in front of him.

"Well you have been a little distant during my class. Is everything ok?" This time Shiro looked at the boy who looked away at him quickly.

"Yeah, everything's fine," Lance mumbled as a reply.

"Well something must be wrong because you are never seen with out one of your friends or with this morbid look on your face. Not to mention you stay to yourself in my class now," Shiro said as he stopped walking and looked straight at Lance.

"Nothing's wrong. Your not one of my close people so please leave it alone," Lance said as politely as possible as he kept walking.

"I can always ask one of your friends but I guess if it really is a touchy subject they might not talk about it either," Shiro held a hand to his chin thinking about what to do.

"Please leave it alone," Lance said as his eyes started to fill up. "I took this walk to clear my mind from it."

"Oh, I'm sorry for bringing it up then. Just know that im here and I will always have your back," Shiro said as he turned to look at Keith, who just shrugged.

"I'll remember that, thanks," Lance replied, wiping tears from his eyes before running ahead to the cafe.

"Something is definitely up," Shiro furrowed his eyebrows at Lance's back.

"Just leave him be and let's go," Keith said as he bumped Shiro's shoulder.

Hey guys I'm sorry that this is so short but I wanted to get something out for those who wanted it about a month or so ago. Sorry that I haven't written in the past few weeks but I've been busy with work and family business. I'll try to get one out by next week if possible but I can only hope. I'll see you cubs around.

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