11 A new student?

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Lance walked into the café, tired like nothing before, with his friends. I sat down as the others got their orders.

"Hey, buddy. How are you doing?" Hunk asked as he sat across from me.

"I'm fine, Hunk," Lance said as he hid a yawn.

"Are you sure? With everything that happened yesterday?" Hunk pushed on.

"Hunk, I'm ok. I promise," Lance said as his coffee was set in front of him.

"So, the good news is, the kid is no longer allowed in here, and people who work here all have your back just in case he comes back," Allura commented as she sat next to me. "Bad news, Pidge and Matt are ready to kill someone."

"As I said, no killing anyone, and I'm glad people are ready to help those in need," Lance said as he stirred his coffee as he stared into it.

"You want to run from all this, don't you?" a voice called from behind the group.

Jumping, everyone turned to see a raven-haired boy standing a few feet from their table.

"Oh, uh, hey Keith," Lance said as he looked back at his coffee.

"Hi," Keith brought a chair over, sitting next to Matt.

"I don't think we have been introduced," Allura started. "I'm Allura, Lance's cousin."

"I'm Pidge and my brother Matt," Pidge introduced as they pointed at both themselves and Matt.

"I'm Hunk," Hunk nodded his head.

"I'm Keith," Keith said as he put his hand up. "So, do you want to run away from all this?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Lance said as he took a sip from his coffee.

"You look like you had a rough night. I have those too," Keith said as he leaned onto the table.

"He won't say anything. We tried," Allura said, defeated.

"What classes does he have with you guys?" Keith asked out of the blue.

"We all have at least one class with him," Pidge answered. "Matt, Hunk, and I have space with him. Hunk and I have mechanics with him. And Allura has..."

"We have foreign language together. Along with geology with Matt," Allura helped Pidge.

"Trust me, we try to keep dick face away from Lance as much as we can," Matt said as he glanced over at the boy in question.

"You know I hate how you guys talk like I'm not even here," Lance huffed as he looked at the group around him. "Shouldn't we get to school anyway?"

"Your right. Let's go," Allura said as everyone grabbed their things and stood from the table.

"I'll walk you to your first class," Keith said as he took up Lance's left side.

"Why?" Lance questioned as he pulled out his phone.

"I transferred into that class," Keith said as he looked at the shocked boy.

"Great, more bodyguards," Lance sighed.

Everything went quiet as the group walked on in silence.

Pidgeon: is he going to be ok?

Nerdy_matty: he might stay like this for a while

Altean_lura: will he make it through exams?

Master_chef: I have no clue. All we can do is wait this out and give him enough space to walk by himself.

Pidgeon: but what if he comes back around?

Nerdy_matty: we will be around. so he won't do anything

Master_chef: should we get Keith in on this chat?

Altean_lura: I mean, if you want Lance to freak out every few words, sure

"Hey, uhh, Keith... This may be out of the blue, but uh, could we get your number?" Pidge asked as they were suddenly nervous.

"Sure, just don't give it out to others," Keith walked to the group and told him his number.

"Thanks, we'll get you situated in our chat as soon as first period," Matt said as he put his phone away. "Just be warned. Our names are weird."

"Shouldn't be that bad. My brother's name is seriously Space_Boi69," Keith said as he smiled a little.

"Sounds like our group name," Pidge laughed a little.

"Yeah, Space_Idiots420," Lance chuckled to himself. "We are a weird friend group. You have been warned."

"Sure, I'll take that warning," Keith said as he put his hands behind his head and began walking again.

Soon enough, the group made it to the school. Lance and Keith separated from the main group as they walked to the dance room.

"So, what name do you want to go by in the chat?" Lance asked suddenly. He had enough of the silence.

"Anything is fine," Keith said as his eyes stayed in front of him.

"Ok then," Lance said as he pulled his phone out and gave his friends the nickname Keith will be called.

"Anyways, through those doors is the dance room," Lance said as he put his phone away. "Dressing rooms are through that door." Lance pointed to the first door on the right.

"I don't think I'll be using that room often," Keith thought out loud.

"I don't either. I'm the only one that uses the bathroom," Lance said as he opened the doors to the dance room.

"Ah, you did transfer to dance then," Shiro said as he turned to face the door.

"You got a problem with it?" Keith said as he dropped his arms.

"Nope," Shiro smiled at the two teens. "Get in line. I got some news."

With that, everyone stood in line. Keith on Lance's left while a tanned man separated Lance from Lotor.

"We have a new student that finally decided to join us," Shiro said as Keith raised his hand. "The concert has been pushed back a few weeks, so we will have enough time to be prepared for it."

"Concert?" Keith whispered to himself.

"We have a winter concert and a spring concert. Our winter one is based on the Nutcracker," Lance informed the confused male beside him.

"That's all for announcements, go get changed and stretch. I want everyone to practice what they have now," Shiro said as he turned on his heel.

"Let's go," Lance said as he walked out of the room with his bag.

Words: 1013

A double update?  Well, yeah. I'm currently in a good mindset to write and a day off of work. Anyway, I hope you guys have a nice day.

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