1 Beginnings of something new?

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"Ok I can do this. Today is the first day of tryouts for The Nutcracker at my school. I can get first place," Lance said to his reflection in the mirror.

"Hey man hurry up before were late," Hunk said rushing out of the bathroom to the front door of the apartment.

Lance looked over to the clock seeing the time. 'Oh no I gotta get going.' Lance pulled on a shirt as he ran out the door, locking it on the way out. Hunk and Lance rushed to a near by cafe.

"We made it before it got crazy," Hunk said holding his hand up.

"Yup," Lance said out of breath even though hes a skilled dancer, or so he tells himself, highfiving Hunk's hand.

"The regular for you both?" Romelle asked.

"Why of course my lovely coffee lady," Lance said in his flirtatious way.

"Oh stop it, TWO OF THE REGULARS FOR THE REGS," Romelle yelled to the back. The Regs became the two boy's nicknames for how much they go there.


"Yeah very true," Romelle giggled to herself as she grabbed the two cups of coffee. "Here you guys go, yours has extra sugar, though, for those tryouts you have."

"Thanks hun," Lance said walking out behind Hunk, waving to the smiling cashier behind the counter.

"Can you stop flirting with everyone?" Hunk asked after the two boys walked through the schools gate.

"I dont understand what your talking about," Lance said sipping some of his coffee.

"Yeah right. You should get yourself someone," Hunk said sipping his own coffee.

"If I can find someone for me," Lance said with a slight frown on his face.

"Sorry man, and this is where I leave you."

"K" Hunk and Lance did their made up handshack before going their own ways like every morning. Hunk had actual school while Lance had Ballet every morning.

Lance made it to the class 10 minutes early. Lance grabbed his ballet clothing, and went to change in the boys bathroom. Even though he could change in the boys locker room, where they keep their shoes and extra clothing, he liked to change away from everyone.

After changing, Lance began his stretches at the barre. Doing both demi and grande plies, stretching left and right, all to warm up his body for the up coming torture.

In came the ballet instructor, Mr Takashi. Silence filled the room as the students lined up in front of Mr Takashi.

"As you all know we will be starting rehearsals for this seasons Nutcracker. Now there is a lot of competition in this class so I believe that all of you will give it your all," Mr Takashi said moving to the middle of the room.

All the students followed Takashi but only to their spots, warming up one last time. Lance knew he was gonna ace this rehearsal other then his actual school tests. Once every one got to their spots and got their last warm ups in, they began the choreography for the dance.

Time Skip

'Practice went well,' Lance thought to himself as he once again changed in the bathroom. Grabbing all of his stuff, Lance went to his locker to put everything away. And as a routine, Lance took a few pictures of himself in the studios mirrors, doing different poses. Some with his good friend, and Hunk's girlfriend, Shay who was in his class.

After posting some of the many pictures Lance took on Instagram, he decided to go to lunch before any of his real classes with Hunk. On his way out the door, Lance saw a flier for some dance thing. He quickly took a picture of the flier and went to buy some lunch.

Once getting his lunch, Lance found Hunk at a table with most of his friends there. Shay, of course was sitting next to Hunk. Katie, or Pidge as we all call her, sat next to her brother, Matt. Lance, of course, would always sit next to Allura trying to flirt with her to no avail.

Pidge and Matt started going on about tech and what not. Hunk and Shay began talking about the weekend that they would spend together. Allura began drawing her next piece for her favorite class, Fashion Design. Leaving Lance with nothing to do. Lance decided to look at the flier he took a picture of.

It said something about a dance club in some alley. It showed some images from, what lance is guessing, the dance club, the coordinates for where to find it, and what to wear to it.

'I might go there tonight see what its about.' Lance thought to himself. He always heard that when people talk to themselves it shows that they are smart, but his grades says other wise.

Lunch came to an end and the last 4 classes he had went by real quick. Lance and Hunk were walking home, and apparently Shay was with them.

"Oh I forgot I'm going to your house for studying," Hunk almost panicked beside Lance and Shay.

"Its ok hun, let's just get some coffee then go to my house. Sound good?" Shay asked looking at her boyfriend.

"Yea, hey Lance dont wait for me tonight," Hunk said waving Lance good bye.

"Sure," Lance waved back. "Though I dont think I'll even be there when you get back."

Lance hurried back to his apartment, unlocking the door, running to his room trying to see if he had any of what the list said to wear.

Lance found blue hightops in the bottom of his closet, found a part of loose fitting blue jeans, and a white tank top. After putting the clothing on, he ran through the list of things again. All that he was missing was a blue bandana.

"I can just get one the next time I go.... if I go again," Lance corrected himself.

Jumping into his car, he rarely uses, putting on Shakira. He made his way to the alley that was on the poster. Lance finally came to a stop by the curb, checking himself one last time, he got out of the car, locking it before moving to the alley.

There was someone waiting by the entrance of the alley letting small amounts of people in. Apparently it's not supposed to be noticed by unwanted people.

Lance was beginning to have second thoughts when all of a sudden a boy in red bumped into him.

"Sorry," he said and continued walking in as Lance nodded an it's ok.

"Well here goes," Lance said, beginning to walk into the alley.

The guy up front stopped him and Lance told him I'm here to dance. The guy let him in with," next time either wear face paint over your eyes or a bandana some where on you."

When Lance walked into the alley, all he saw was beautiful graffiti on the side of buildings and a huge mob in a circle at the center of a four way alley.

All Lance is thinking is 'This is different. Way different but cool. Let's just hope nothing awful happens.'

Words: 1219

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