7 A bodyguard gang?

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A week has passed for Lance. He kept to himself whenever he had a class with the male with silver hair, now known as Lotor. His group of friends had also helped keep Lotor away from Lance.

Lance was on his way to the cafeteria when he was pulled into a side hallway. Being pushed against the wall, he covered his head with his arms.

"Your friends are making it difficult to get to you," the familiar voice whispered in Lance's ear.

"G-get away from me creep," Lance said as he removed his arms from his face to look directly at Lotor.

"Now why would I do that?" Lotor questioned moving closer to Lance's face.

"Because I asked kindly the first time?" Lance replied with a question.

"But how will I make you mine someday if you go and find someone else?" Lotor said, once more coming closer to Lance.

"I'm pretty sure Lance said to leave him alone," a familiar voice said from the entrance of the hall.

"And there are those cock blockers," Lotor whispered to himself as he leaned away. "Can't you guys ever leave this beauty alone?"

"Not with someone like you around," Pidge said as she walked closer to Lotor and Lance.

"I'll make him mine, I promise," Lotor said before walking past the group.

"You ok Lance?" Allura asked as she and the group walk closer to Lance.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Lance said as he rubbed at his arm.

"We should walk you to and from class from now on," Hunk said.

"Yeah," the group said in unison.

"Thanks, guys but I don't need a group of bodyguards everywhere I go," Lance said as he walked past his group of misfits and to the cafeteria.

"We'll still be beside you anyways. We want to make sure nothing like that happens again," Matt said as he rushed to Lance's side.

"I won't stop you guys. Just don't go overboard on the guarding please," Lance said as he began to walk back to look at his friends.

"We promise," the group once again said in unison.

The five sat at their table and began eating their food. Lance sat looking at his food as he pushes it around his tray. The other four tried to get Lance's attention and have him eat his food but Lance wouldn't do that. As the bell rang for the end of lunch, Lance stood and ran into something or someone. Lance looks up to see a head full of raven hair and eyes of the brightest purple, belonging to a guy named Keith.

"I-i'm sorry," Lance said as he stepped back quickly.

"No, it's fine. I should have watched where I was going," the raven said as he continued his walk.

"No it's ok," Lance mumbled to himself as Keith walked away.

"Hey, Lance? Is that the waiter from the day we spent at the beach?" Hunk asked as he stood next to Lance.

"Yeah. I think he said his name was Keith when he gave me my coffee," Lance answered.

As Lance and Hunk grew quiet, Allura and Pidge look at each other with a small knowing look. Pidge grabbed a hold of Lance and Hunk's arms and dragged them off to class. Allura and Matt hugged before separating for their classes as well.

The day passed quickly. Lotor stared at Lance, the gang noticed and moved Lance along their way. The gang made it to Allura's place where everyone's favorite uncle opened the door with snacks and drinks in hand.

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