14 New chaos?

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"So, who is the new face," Coran placed down a plate of snacks before sitting down across from everyone else.

"This is Keith. He's a bit anti-social, but he's in the bodyguard squad," Allura introduced for the poor boy.

"Hi, Keith. I'm Cora..." Coran started before Pidge and Lance spoke up.

"Coran, Coran, the gorgeous man!" Lance and Pidge both laughed out. Matt and Hunk laughed at their antics while Allura smiled and shook her head.

"Yes, that is me," Coran smiled at his nephew's antics. "Coran's the name kiddo. So, how did you meet this crazy crew?"

"We stumbled upon each other the other day on the way to the café nearby," Keith began the story. "And some things happened, which I don't think he wants to talk about it."

Lance went quiet as Keith said this. Everyone looked at him with a sad look as he hugged himself.

"Sorry 'bout that, Lance," Keith said as he looked at the floor.

"No, it's ok. They know what happened that day. I still get touchy with topics like this," Lance said as he tightened his grip around his arm.

"Does Uncle know about the ex's?" Pidge suddenly piped up.

"Ex's?" Coran looked between Pidge and Lance.

"Lance never told us when this happened, but he had girlfriends and boyfriends who would use and abuse him," Pidge said with slight anger on their face.

"That I knew about," Coran looked at the ground with a sad look. "I am his uncle, after all. I was one of the few he opened up to."

"But he never said this to us..." Hunk said as he looked at Lance with a sad look.

"He was hurt so much he didn't want to bother any of you even if you guys are like a family," Coran gave a weak smile to the kids in front of him. "I'm sorry if this isn't an ideal conversation for you, Keith."

"No, it's quite all right," Keith waved his hands dismissively.

"So, are you guys staying the night?" Coran changed the topic back to the group.

"We just thought you would like to meet the new child you mysteriously gained," Allura said with a smile on her face.

"I remember when you Pidge and Matt joined the family," Coran smiled at the memory. "And you, Hunk. You were bound to join the family as soon as you moved in next door to him."

"Those were fun days," Pidge laughed as they remembered the fun times they had. Matt and Hunk both chuckled as they remembered the crazy things they did as kids back in the day.

"Enough about the past," Lance chuckled at his small family. "We should get settled into the room."

"Right," Allura nodded. "We need to make the arrangements for Keith."

"Oh, go ahead. I should start working on dinner then," Coran stood with the group. "Are you guys going out tonight?"

"No, not tonight," Allura said after seeing Coran wink.

"Got it," Coran smiled as he disappeared into the kitchen.

"What did he mean by going out?" Keith asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Some of us leave in the middle of the night for a walk and some fresh air," Pidge got the hint as Allura smiled.

"Oh," Keith said as he followed the group up the stairs and into the bedroom, they would stay in.

As the group in front of him dispersed, he saw five large bean bags, a queen-sized bed, a door to a closet, a window seat, and a vanity. He nodded at the calm feel the room gave off.

"I can see why you guys stay here," Keith said as he stood off in a corner. "It's calming."

"It's not always calming, though," Hunk looked at Pidge and Matt. "With those two and truth and dare, it's hard to get peace." 

"What could Pidge possibly do?" Keith made the mistake of doubting Hunk.

"Dude, never say that about the devil in green skin," Matt shook his head quickly.

"Devil in green skin?!" Pidge jumped onto Matt's back and began hitting the poor boy on his head.

"Ok..." Keith said slowly as he watched Matt and Pidge go around the room. "So, who sleeps where?"

"Well, Pidge and Hunk usually take the bean bags in that corner. Matt takes the bean bag by the closet door. Lance either sleeps on the window seat or in the bed," Allura answered Keith as Hunk watched the siblings wrestling, and Lance is on his phone. "And before you ask, Lance and I are cousins. And that's why I have a queen-sized bed as he sometimes sleeps in it."

"That answers the question on why you two stay close together and why Coran knows more about his past than you guys," Keith went silent as soon as he said that. "I did not mean that."

"No, it's ok," Allura looked hurt as she looked over at the chaos around them. "We just never asked about it."

"Yeah, well, I think I'll take the black bean bag by the window then," Keith went over to it while pulling out his phone.

As the night calmed down, the group pulled Lance and Keith to play some party games.

"So, what's the game tonight?" Allura asked as she and the others sat in the middle of the room. Pidge, Matt, and Keith brought over the bean bags to sit in.

"Since we don't know much about Keith, how about never have I ever?" Pidge asked with a wild look in their eyes.

"Is it ok to feel nervous when Pidge does that?" Keith leaned closer to Lance as he whispered this.

"Totally normal. Just be careful when they give you the devil's eyes," Lance smiled at Keith, who gave Pidge a scared glance.

"That sounds good. But one request?" Hunk asked as he looked at the group.

"Yes, Hunk?" Pidge looked at the boy with an innocent look.

"Keep it closer to the PG side?" Hunk said this in more of a question than a statement.

"I'll try," Pidge gave Hunk an angelic look before looking at the others. "Ok, how about we have 5 points, and the first one to lose all five has to do whatever the person with the most left say?"

"And that's why Pidge chose this game," Lance whispered to Keith with a small smirk.

"I'm not scared," Keith blew a bit of air as he shook his head.

"We'll see about that," Pidge put their fingers together in an evil manner as they looked at the group. "Since I'm feeling generous. Let's make it 10 points."

"Well, here we go," everyone but Pidge and Keith mumbled.

Words: 1116

I'm surprised I got this out so fast. For those who enjoy this and say that, thanks. It makes me happy knowing what I'm writing is making others happy. Well, that's it for now. I'll start writing the next chapter soon. I hope you guys have a nice day/night.

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