Part 33 - Back Home Again

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The Next Day

Zuri's problem is solved now, Nala had accepted Hassian to live in the Pridelands and will be the part of the Lion Guard team, this makes all the girls on the team excited

Before they go for patrolling the Pridelands Hassian nuzzle his future wife and she nuzzles him back

"See you later Zu, I'll be back for a few hours," Hassian said

"Yeah, have a good day," Zuri said

Then The Lion Guard start their patrolling and explain Hassian how's Lion Guard work and asking him why his fur is white, not like a usual lion

In another place the cubs are playing like usual while the mother goes out hunting except for Fuli because her cubs need her all of the time, they play inside the den because their punishment is not over yet

Fuli watch the cubs play with a smile growing on her face

"Don't play too rough Ok? It might hurt you" Fuli said warned them

"Ok Aunt Fuli!" The cubs said

Then Rani's cubs Zalika crying and awake from his sleep, and Zuberi heard him cry and approach his step little brother

"Hey don't cry, mommy just go out hunting for a while," Zuberi said but he still crying and even louder

"Shh... Don't cry, mommy Will be here in a few minutes," he said and try to comfort Zalika by licking his head, and it works to make Zalika stop crying

Fuli saw what Zuberi did and she smiles looking the siblings get along well

"Nice one Zuberi, I believe that you will be a great big brother for them," Fuli said to him with a smile

"Thank You Aunt Fuli, and I'll try my best for them," Zuberi said

"You will," Fuli said

After hunting for an hour, the lioness kill two big male buffalo and it's well enough to feed the whole pride, they drag the dead buffalo together towards The Priderock

While the cubs play, their mother called them to have a slice of breakfast meat for the first time, because now they old enough to chew the meat, and their teeth growing well

The lioness bring the buffalo inside the den and they greet by their each cub

Zuberi approach his mother and brush his fur to her front leg

"Hey how about your siblings without me?" Rani said and lick her adoptive son

"They sleep well when you go out for hunting, except Zalika," Zuberi said and look to Zalika who's sleeping

"He seems to sleep well," Rani said with a confused look

"Yeah he's sleeping well for now, but before you back from the hunt he's awake and crying, and then I try to comfort him and he's asleep again," Zuberi said and feel proud

"*Giggle* I'm proud of you Zuberi, someday I believe you will be the best brother for them," Rani said and lick his forehead

"Thank you Mom, I will," Zuberi said

Arafa and Kijani meet their mother and brush their fur to front leg their mother and purring

"Mom... When exactly Dad come back?" Kijani asks

"You heard Anga yesterday that he will be back tomorrow and it means today," Nirmala said with a cheerful tone, Kijani jump up and down knowing that her father will be back soon

"Yeay!!!" Kijani said with happiness on his face and heart

After the cubs having a little chat with their mother, they told to eat the meat for the first time by their mother

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