Part 5 - Battle for the Pridelands: Reclaiming the Circle of Life

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The sky darkened as the moon rose and the stars began to twinkle. Before leaving Pride Rock, Simba instructed Vitani, the leader of the Lion Guard, to protect the rest of the pride.

"Vitani, please ensure the safety of the rest of the pride and my family," Simba said to her.

"Of course, they are my family too," Vitani replied.

"We'll be safe, Simba. Don't worry," Nala emerged from the den. "Just stay in the den and don't come out unless necessary," Simba told Nala as he nuzzled her. "Just be careful out there," Nala said, tears streaming down her face. "Hey, don't cry. I promise I'll be back."

Simba, Kovu, and Kion headed to their respective positions and hid in the bushes.

Meanwhile, in the Outlands, Cheka ordered Mzingo to scout the Pridelands and ensure the coast was clear. Mzingo took off to fulfill his task. "Okay, troops, we'll wait for Mzingo to confirm the situation," Cheka told his army.

While Mzingo flew over the Pridelands, he spotted a group of animals hiding behind bushes. He also saw Simba, Kovu, and Kion leading them. "How did they know that Cheka planned to attack the Pridelands at night? It must be Janja who informed them," Mzingo thought. He quickly flew back to the Outlands to inform Cheka and his army.

"How's the situation?" Cheka asked Mzingo.

"They know about our attack," Mzingo replied.

"What?! How did they find out?" Cheka was displeased with the news.

"It must be Janja who told them. He might have overheard our plans," Mzingo explained.

"Damn it! Listen up!!!" Cheka gathered his army. "Change of plans. First, we need to deal with the one who leaked our plan to Simba. Let's go!" Cheka and his army marched toward Janja and Jasiri's territory.

Janja and Jasiri were fast asleep with their pups when Janja suddenly woke up, only to be thrown out by a lion and his army.

"Aargh!" Janja winced in pain, blood trickling down his head. Jasiri woke up upon hearing Janja's cries. She witnessed a lion approaching her mate and swiftly intervened, throwing the lion off.

"No!" Jasiri screamed. "Jasiri... heavily breathes Take the pups... to a safe place... Aargh!" Cheka threw Janja again.

"You stupid hyena! Why did you reveal MY PLAN??!!" Janja remained silent.

"Answer me!! Fine, have it your way," Cheka growled and threw Janja even harder, causing Janja to lose consciousness. "And you, cute hyena. If you want your husband to stay alive, you must come with me to the Pridelands, along with your pups." Jasiri stood there speechless, forced to follow Cheka's army with her pups.

Cheka arrived at the border and shouted through the Pridelands, "I know you're all hiding! If you don't show yourselves, we'll kill your hyena friend, his mate, and their pups."

Kion heard the threat and decided to reveal himself, walking toward Cheka. "Good kitty," Cheka taunted Kion. "What do you want, Cheka? Release him and let Jasiri and her pups go!" Kion spoke with firmness.

"It's not that easy. Come and get him!" Cheka challenged, presenting Janja in front of Kion.

"What are you doing? This isn't part of the plan!" Kovu exclaimed, his anger evident as he walked up beside Kion.

"What am I doing? I am saving my friends!" Kion retorted, his anger matching Kovu's.

Simba intervened, putting an end to their argument. "Enough!" Simba's voice boomed with authority. "This is not the time to argue. We must save the Pridelands and Kion's friends."

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