Part 25 - Reunion

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Kion was welcomed by his family after disappeared for 3 months because he's dead for a while, his new cubs makes him happy and forget about the plan that he will planned

Bunga doesn't know that Kion is home again at the Pridelands, he were going home from the water hole after playing with the cubs to his home with Timon, Pumba, and Bunga

Binga were sit on the rock waiting for Bunga home, She look to the vast ground of the Pridelands, she remembered her home that now is Claim by Scar and Cheka, she really want to back to her old home but the situation block her to do that

"*Sigh* where's Bunga? He said that he will be back home on the noon and is noon" Binga said

Then Timon appear with Pumba on behind him

"Hey Binga!" Timon said

"Oh...Hey Timon" Binga replied

"Waiting for Bunga don't ya?" Timon said and sit beside her

"*Sigh* Yeah...he said to me that he would be back home at noon, and now is noon" Binga said to Timon

Then Binga looks a grey spot moving towards her

"Hey...there he goes" Timon said while his finger pointed Bunga from the distance

"Hello Binga!!!" Bunga shouted

"Hey!" Binga shout back and run towards Bunga

Bunga catch Binga and hold her up and fall with Binga on Bunga

"Hey...are you mind if we have kids right now?" Bunga Asks to Binga while they look on eye to eye

"I don't know...I'm worry that I couldn't be a great mother to them" Binga said

"Don't worry...I'll help you to if you need anything" Bunga said

Then Timon and Pumba come while they doing ups and downs

"Well...well... well...what are you two doing on this hot day with the bright sunlight" Timon said

"Oh...Timon! We just..." Before Binga finish her word Bunga pull her back so she on top of him again"

"Hey don't interrupt by them, I just need your answer" Bunga said

"What answer?" Pumba Asks

Bunga is burden by Timon and Pumba appearance, so he demand Timon and Pumba for leave them alone

"None of your business Uncle Pumba, can you two just leave us alone?! We need some privacy!" Bunga said with a little mad face

"Ok...Ok... c'mon Pumba, let's play with the cubs" Timon said


"Now they leaving, so now I need your answer" Bunga said

"Hmm...well...*sigh* Ok I would like to have kids with you" Binga said and Bunga's face turn from flat expression to smiley face

Then Bunga kiss Binga on the lips and Binga kiss him back

Bunga and Timon were on the way to the Priderock to play with the cubs

They see lots of Lion and lioness gathering at the base of Priderock

"Hey Timon!...what are they doing on that thing?" Pumba asks

"I don't know Pumba...maybe Simba have a important guess" Timon said

Before they reach the rocky step, a lion and lioness target them as food and start to chase Timon and Pumba

"Pumba!!!...Run!!!" Timon said and hop on Pumba's back


"Aaahhhhh......" Pumba shouted

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