Part 32 - Zuri's Problem

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The Pridelands

The pride has awake because warm of the sunlight comes in through the mouth of the den, The Lion Guard start their patrol without Vitani lead them, they lead by Shabaha who's the bravest in The Lion Guard Team

The Cubs suckling to their mothers after woke up from their sleep, Kondo suckle together with Nguvu and Kifahari to Kiara because he hadn't a mother after she died

Fuli's Cubs open their eyes and start to suckle to their mother, they seizure the comfy spot to suckle

Rani bathing her cubs while they suckling, Zuberi let his little brother and sister suckle first because he thought they needed more than him

"Zuberi... Why you not suckle, there's one left for you" Rani said to her step son

"Because they needed more than me and I want them to have a nice spot to suckle, if I suckle with them right now the spot becomes cramped and uncomfortable" Zuberi said and makes Rani proud of him

"Oh... I'm so proud of you Zuberi, you deserve to be a big brother to them" Rani said and lick his forehead

"Thank You Mom" Zuberi said with a smile

The Cubs finished suckling from their mother as a breakfast, now they ready to play again like usual

Nguvu walk towards Zuberi and greet Rani

"Good morning Aunt Rani" Nguvu said

"Good Morning Nguvu, how are you?" Rani greet back

"I'm fine, now me and Zuberi will play like usual" Nguvu said

"Ok, but you two are still grounded" Rani said and Zuberi replied with rolling eyes and sigh

"*Rolling eyes* Okay Mom, c'mon Nguvu" Zuberi said

"Yeah c'mon, let's find Kondo first" Nguvu said

"Yeah Ok" Zuberi said

Arafa and Kijani are ready to start their activities today and fill it with play a whole day

There are Nguvu and Zuberi walk towards Arafa and Kijani

"Hey Arafa!" Zuberi said

"Oh Hello Nguvu and Zuberi, what will we play for today?" Arafa said

"Hide and seek maybe, we haven't played it for a long time" Nguvu said

"Ok... But where's the others?" Arafa said

"Kifahari is still suckling" Nguvu said

"So we start the game now?" Arafa asks

"No let's find Kondo first" Zuberi said

"Okay then what are waiting for?" Arafa said and the Cubs start searching Kondo who's still sleep in his favorite spot

The Cubs find Kondo still sleeping on his spot and they make a plan to make him goosebump again

"Alright guys... On my count we scream together Ok" Nguvu said and they nodded

"Okay 1...2...3 *scream*"

"Argh!..." Suddenly Kondo awake from his sleep and jumped to the air, the Cubs laughing when they saw Kondo jump to the air

"Can you all just nudge me to wake me up?!" Kondo said irritably

"*Laughing* it's funny" Nguvu said while he rolling his body and laughing on the ground

"*Chuckle* Ok guys that's enough, let's play the game" Kijani said

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