Part 31 - Rearrange The Land

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The Tree of Life

Kion is gathering his team about to rearrange The Tree of Life again to make a good life again in there

All the lions and Hyena gathered in front of the Tree waiting for Kion out

From the outside a lion from King Akida's side is informing Kion that they waiting for him

"King Kion" The lion said and bow his head

"Yes?" Kion asks

"They've gathered and now they are waiting for you" the lion said

"Thank you, I'll go outside in a minute" Kion said

"Yes King Kion" the lion walk back to the outside and join with his team

Simba walk towards his son and asks who was talking with him

"Who was that Kion?" Simba asks

"Oh, it's Akida's lion, he informed me that everyone is waiting me outside the Tree" Kion replied

"C'mon then, everyone is waiting for you" Simba said

"Ok Dad" Kion said

Simba and Kion walk outside the Tree together, Kion walk towards the big boulder in from of the Tree while Simba join with the others and it makes Kion asks his father to join him on the boulder

"Dad, why you down there? Why you not join me to tell everyone?" Kion asks

"Kion... You are the leader of this land and I'm not, as the leader you should could take any risk by yourself and solve it until the problem is clear" Simba said to his son

"*Sigh* Ok" Kion said

Kion take a deep breath and turn his head towards the lions and Hyenas in front of him

"Everyone! I need your attention for a moment!" Kion said with serious and the lions and Hyenas stop their talking

"Thank You,... Thanks to the Great Kings who help us to defeat Scar once and for all and Thank you for all of you to help me reclaim my Kingdom again and you all are welcome to The Tree of Life if you need healing or something" Kion said

Kovu and Baliyo just drink from the waterhole and saw Kion is standing on the boulder with Lions and Hyenas gathered below Kion

"Hey C'mon we're late!" Baliyo said to Kovu besides him and they take a run towards the Tree of Life

"But for now, I need you to help me rearrange this land and tell all the animals here that The Tree of Life is safe again and tell them to gather in front of the Tree, are you willing to help me? If not that's Ok, you can back to your home again I'm not force you to do it" Kion said out loud on the big boulder

All the lions and hyenas speak to each other and they nodded their head mean they agree to help Kion to rearrange the land and tell the animals

"Okay we're in!" Said the lion from Akida's side

"Yeah me too" Said the Hyena from Janja's side

Then Akida speak and he and his army will help Kion

"Don't worry Kion, we'll help you" Akida said

"Thanks Akida, you such a good lion to me" Kion said with a smile

"We're in too" Janja said from below the boulder

"And Thanks to you Janja who help me twice to claim this land again" Kion said towards Janja and Janja replied with a smile

"You're Welcome" Janja replied

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