Part 24 - He's Back

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Bunga, Binga, Ono, Beshte, Anga, and Azaad are gathering in the lion guard lair with Vitani's lion guard, Fuli didn't join because she were baby sitting her two baby

They talking about Kion's death and it makes Bunga pour his tears, he was very lost about his best friend from a little cub

Lately Bunga feels lonely without Kion on his side, he rarely to come out with the others even tough Binga always on his side, but now he's in the good mood and miss the team

"*Cry* I hope he can live again and have some fun with us again while patrolling *sob*" Bunga said

Binga rub Bunga's back and try comforting him

"I know how you feels Bunga, but the most important we can have each other as a family" Binga said

"Yeah, don't loose your hope little B" Beshte said

"*Sob* thanks guys, only you can make me feels better and you Binga for always by my side" Bunga said and they hugging

From the mouth of the den there's a lion and lioness come in side by side, the lion looks confuse

Shabaha walk towards the lion and lioness

"Hey Mosi, Hey Vitani... what's going on? Your face looks sad Vitani" Shabaha said

"I'm fine, I just not in the mood for today" Vitani replied

"And you Mosi?" Shabaha Asks

"I just got a confusing news from Rafiki" Mosi replied

"What confusing news Mosi?" Azaad Asks

"*Sigh* I'm really surprised when I know from that me is Kopa" Mosi replied

"Oh My Great Kings" Shabaha widen her eyes

"Who's Kopa?" Azaad asks

"He's first son of King Simba and Queen Nala" Shabaha replied

They all shock and not believe that Mosi is Kopa

"No way!" Ono said

"Yeah I am, but I'm not sure that I'm is Kopa and I'll find out the truth with myself " Mosi said

Then the rest of the lion guard get up and walk towards Mosi and Vitani

"Hey what's going on here?" Tazama asks

"Yeah, you guys seem to be discussing something interesting" Kasi said

"Mosi said that he is Kopa, the first son if King Simba and Queen Nala" Shabaha replied

"You gotta be kidding me" Imara said

"It's up to you believe it or not, I myself am still confused about it" Mosi said

Then Mosi walk to the back of the lair

"Where do you go?" Vitani asks

"I'm going to sleep, maybe it can help my memory" Mosi said

"Ok guys, you'll free until the next patrol on noon" Vitani said to her team

"Yeah Ok" Tazama said

"Hey Vitani!, Can we come on your next patrol? It's getting bored for doing nothing" Beshte said

"Okay you all can come for my next patrol" Vitani replied simply and headed to her rock on the lair

Tree of Life

Now Scar and Cheka rules The Tree of Life Kingdom together, as they ruling at the kingdom, the animals in the Tree of Life live in hardship, they couldn't out with free and hard to get food

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