Part 19 - The Lost of Her King

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Rani and her aunt Nirmala strolled leisurely, relishing the crisp morning air that danced around them. The golden rays of the sun filtered through the lush trees, casting a warm glow over the Pridelands. Arafa and Kijani, their young cubs, scampered playfully, their paws leaving faint imprints on the soft earth as they explored the vastness of their kingdom.

As they walked, a majestic herd of elephants approached, their massive figures moving gracefully with each step. Rani and Nirmala exchanged smiles with the elephants, feeling a sense of kinship with these gentle giants. Martha, the wise and serene leader of the herd, lowered her head in respectful acknowledgment.

"Good morning, Your Highness. It is truly a delightful sight to see you both amidst our morning journey," Martha greeted, her voice resonating like the gentle rumble of distant thunder.

Nirmala's eyes sparkled with warmth as she returned the greeting. "Good morning to you too, Martha. The sight of your magnificent herd brings joy to our hearts."

Martha, with her wise eyes, noticed Arafa and Kijani timidly hiding behind Nirmala's legs, their curiosity tinged with a hint of apprehension.

"Hey, you little ones, fear not. Feel the gentle rhythm of the earth beneath your paws and know that you are safe," Martha reassured them, extending her trunk towards the cubs in a gesture of friendship.

Rani couldn't help but chuckle affectionately at the sight of the cubs seeking refuge behind their aunt's protective frame. After bidding farewell to Martha and the elephants, Nirmala and Rani continued on their way, their steps light and purposeful.

"Mum, when will Dad return?" Kijani's innocent voice broke the tranquil ambiance, tinged with a mix of longing and anticipation.

Nirmala paused for a moment, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. "I do not possess the exact answer, my dear. But trust in his words, for he vowed to return to us—his beloved family, his pride."

Kijani sighed softly, his golden eyes gazing into the distance, as if searching for a glimpse of his father's familiar form.

"I miss him, Mom," Kijani confessed, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability.

Nirmala's heart ached with understanding, her paw gently caressing Kijani's head. "I know, my little one. We all do. But your father is a lion of great strength and courage. He walks with purpose, guided by the love that binds us together."

Arafa, ever the resilient spirit, interjected with unwavering faith, "Don't worry, Kijani. Dad's roar echoes within us, and his return will be a testament to his unwavering love for our family."

With newfound hope kindling in his heart, Kijani nodded, a flicker of a smile gracing his face.

As they continued their journey, the Pridelands greeted them with its abundance of life. They soon encountered the Lion Guard, their noble figures patrolling the vast expanse, their presence a symbol of unity and protection.

"Hello, Vitani!" Rani greeted Vitani warmly, her voice filled with genuine affection.

Vitani's amber eyes gleamed with recognition as she returned the greeting. "Ah, greetings, Queen Rani. What brings you to our path? Is there trouble brewing in our land?"

Rani smiled, her voice carrying a melodious tone. "No, dear Vitani. We are simply indulging in the beauty of this morning, breathing in the untamed melodies that sing through the whispers of the wind."

Nirmala, ever inquisitive, added, "By the way, where might we find your cub, Mosi?"

Vitani's face brightened, pride evident in her voice. "Oh, he's currently engaged in joyous play with Nguvu, Kifahari, and Princess Kiara at Pride Rock, basking in the warmth of their camaraderie."

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