Part 29 - The Winning

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Mzingo fly above the mountain pass and he saw the leopards and Puma including their leader Makucha and Baraka is down, then he fly towards the tree and tell Scar

"*Groan"* Where are they?!" Scar stomped his paw waiting for Makucha and Baraka

"Just wait for a few minutes again, if they not come back, we'll go and check what's happening" Cheka suggested

Mzingo landed in front of Scar and Cheka and he report about the situation at the Mountain pass

"Is Kion defeated?" Scar asks to Mzingo

"I'm sorry Scar, they failed, Makucha and Baraka is dead and now Kion and his army run towards here" Mzingo said

"Impossible! C'mon Cheka before they reach the Tree" Scar said and Cheka nodded following Scar from behind

"There! We nearly there" Kion said but there are two lions coming towards them and both of them is stop from their pace

"Enough! Now this land belongs to me! You can't take it from me!" Scar shouted to Kion

"Just step down Scar or you'll back to the hell with your Zira" Simba said to his uncle

"Show your respect Simba! I'm your uncle!" Scar said

"Not Anymore! Attack!" Simba said and decided to fight Scar and Cheka

Simba, Akida, Kion, Kovu and Vitani run towards Scar with a few Akida's army follow behind them while Surak, Baliyo, Beshte, Bunga, and Azaad fight Cheka with Janja's clan behind them and Akida's army

Simba leap towards Scar and tackled him down and slashed his face many times, but his skin is healing its self, Scar smirk to Simba and push him hard and Simba's body hit Kion who's behind him

"Kion are you okay?" Simba asks

"Yeah Dad I'm okay" Kion replied

Vitani, Kovu, and Akida move together and Attack Scar from different direction, Vitani from the front, Kovu from the left and Akida from the right while Akida's army help from each direction and Attack Scar together

Kovu scratched his step father left body and blood comes out of it, but in a few seconds the wounds is disappear and looks like there's no anything happen

"Impossible" Kovu said

Vitani bite the nose of Scar and slashed his face and roar to him but not roar of the elders

Akida bite the right body and the skin peel of from its place and in a few seconds the wound is disappear and healed itself

Then the green light is start to glow from Scar's body and it makes another lion of Akida's army back off and Akida too

"What's happening?" Akida ask to himself and his eyes widened

Kion saw Scar's glowing light and he immediately tell the others to back off from him

"Hey! Stay away from him!" Kion shouted and they do what Kion's said including Vitani and Kovu

Scar's body grow bigger when the green light is shining from his body

" you can't defeat me Kion, I'm bigger 2 times than you now" Scar said

"We must fight him together and try to tackle him to the ground and Slash him or bite him hard as you can" he said to the others

"C'mon we doesn't weak, we're strong and show it to Scar" Simba said and they roaring

"C'mon everyone follow my lead" Kion said and run towards Scar

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