Part 34 - Peaceful Life

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3 months later

The Tree of Life

"Dad C'mon! I want to see the sunrise" One of the three cubs try to wake their father

"*Grunt* it's still dark Shani," Kion said to his daughter

"But you promise us yesterday!" Kito said

Then the night pride come and Rani saw her cubs complaining to their father

"Hey what's the matter? *Yawn*" Rani asks the cubs

"Dad promise us to watch the sunrise today but he's still asleep" Zalika complaining while his father still asleep and snoring

Then Rani approach his husband and nudge him softly

"Hey wakey sleepyhead," Rani said and nudge but no response

"*Groan* when he can watch the sunrise with us? He just said 'Yes I promised' for many times" Zalika said and Kion heard his sons complain and open his eyes

"*Yawn* Ok... Ok, for now, I will fulfill my promise" Kion said and the cub's cheer

"Yeay! Cmon Dad, the sun is nearly rising" Shani said with excitement

Then Kion got up and stretch his body and nuzzled his lovely wife and then leave the Tree with his cubs

"Bye Mom!" Said the cubs

"Bye! Have a nice day *yawn*, let's go Night Pride" Rani said watching the cubs walk side by side with their father and it makes a smile grow on her mouth

Then from the other place 2 female cubs running towards Baliyo with their mother

"Daddy!" Said the cubs and hugged their father

"Hey... Where are you three going?*Yawn*" Baliyo asked

"We'll watch the sunrise with Mom!" Said the cub named Adila

"Yeah... You coming Dad?" Said the cub named Kina

"Your father is tired now from the night patrol, so he should sleep and rest well," Tiifu said

"*Yawn* yeah your mother's right, maybe Sometime I will go with you two for watching the sunrise," Baliyo said

"Ok... Sleep well Dad, C'mon Mom" Adila said with enthusiast

Tiifu Nuzzled her husband before walk out of the tree and Baliyo smile at her and lick on her cheek

"Now get some sleep, I'll catch some food for you when you wake up," Tiifu said and leave Baliyo with the cubs

The three cubs and their father sitting near the entrance of the tree waiting for the sun to rise, and the cubs play fighting and tag while the father saw them

Kion's heart fill with happiness when he saw his three cubs play together, he feels a lot better when he married Rani, he feels peace, calm, and joy every single day

And thanks to Scar who caused him to go to the Tree of Life and met someone he loved for his entire life

"Don't play too rough Kito" Kion warn him

"Ok Dad" Kito replied while tackling his sister on the ground

"Ha! Got you again!" Kito said proudly

"*Scoff* it's because I let you" Shani replied with a smug face

Then another cub running towards Shani and her brothers with their mother by their side and tackled the boys

Tiifu let her daughter play with their nephew while she and Kion sit side by side watching the cubs play and have some talk

"I never thought I'll be happy like now, having kids and lovely mate," Tiifu said began the conversation

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