Part 12 - The Calm Before the Storm

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In his sleep, Kion had a nightmare about fighting Cheka at the Tree of Life. He dreamt that he died defending the Tree of Life because Cheka pushed him into a deep gorge, causing his head to hit a rock and bleed.

"Just give up, Kion... you can't defeat me!" Cheka taunted, his voice echoing through the ancient trees.

Kion's body was covered in wounds and cuts as he defiantly replied, "Never! I won't give up until the Tree of Life is safe again!"

Cheka charged at Kion, his massive paws thundering against the ground as he leaped towards him. With a mighty roar, Kion braced himself, ready to face his adversary head-on. But Cheka's sheer size and strength overwhelmed him, and he found himself pinned down beneath the weight of his opponent.

Gritting his teeth, Kion struggled to push Cheka away, his muscles straining against the force. But Cheka's claws dug deep into the ground, anchoring him in place. Kion's paw lashed out, swiping at Cheka's face in a desperate attempt to free himself, but his efforts were in vain.

"Oh no, you don't," Cheka sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

With a swift and brutal motion, Cheka slapped Kion across the face, leaving behind deep claw marks. Kion's head snapped to the side, pain radiating through his skull. Before he could recover, Cheka lunged forward, sinking his teeth into Kion's scruff. With a powerful jerk, Cheka hurled him into the gorge, and Kion plummeted through the air, his heart pounding in his chest.


Kion woke up gasping and drenched in sweat, his heart still racing from the vividness of his nightmare. He looked at his wife, Rani, who was peacefully sleeping next to him. Gently, he extended a trembling paw and licked her on the head, hoping to rouse her without causing alarm.

Her eyes opened with blurry vision, and she yawned, stretching her limbs. "Kion, why did you wake me? Did you have a bad dream?"

"No, I didn't. I just dreamt about our child running in a field full of green grass, and in my dream, you looked incredibly beautiful," he lied, his voice laced with tenderness. He didn't want to burden Rani with his fears and worries, wanting her to focus on raising their cub in case anything happened to him.

"Oh, you romantic boy. Come here," Rani said, her voice filled with affection. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, savoring the sweet taste of their bond.

Kion teased her, a faint smile gracing his face. "Oh, come on. Enough teasing. Now go back to sleep. The sun hasn't risen yet." He nuzzled his head against Rani's arm, finding solace in her comforting presence. They settled back down, with Rani curling up on top of his head, offering him a sense of protection and warmth.


As the sun began to rise on the horizon, its golden rays cast a warm glow across the Pridelands, illuminating the majestic landscape and its inhabitants. The sunlight gently filtered into the cave, gradually waking the lion and lioness from their deep slumber. Outside, the hunting party had already risen, their senses alert and focused on the task of securing breakfast for the pride. The members of the Lion Guard, true to their duty, embarked on their morning patrol, ensuring the safety and harmony of the Pridelands.

"Come on, girls. Let us embark on this day with courage and determination, for we are the protectors of the Pridelands, the Lion Guard!" Vitani rallied her fellow Lion Guard members, her voice filled with conviction and strength.

"LION GUARD, DEFEND!" they declared in unison, their voices resounding through the morning air as they set off on their patrol.

As the members of the pride began to awaken and gather outside Pride Rock, Simba and Nala stepped out of their den, their presence commanding and regal. They settled side by side, their eyes fixed upon the vast expanse of green grass that stretched out before them, their bodies radiating a palpable sense of love and affection.

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