Part 23 - The Truth

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Green grass stretched from edge to edge of Greenland, there are lots of animals live in harmony just like in the Pridelands

The sun is come up with light and warm air to the land, there are lots of dew stick with the grass and make the grass taste fresh

King Akida open his eyes and see to his lovely wife still asleep and lick on her back ear it makes her purring

"*Groans* I'm still sleepy" Queen Barika said to her husband

"*Chuckle* hey the sun is coming up it's time to wake up" Akida said

Then Barika open her eyes and stretching her body

"You leave today?" Barika asks

"Yeah, I'll leave today, and I've ordered Hashaan and Hassian to refuse any rouge lion to come here while I'm gone" Akida said

Barika nodded and got up on her paws to hunt with other lioness to hunt food for breakfast and her husband because he'll leave and take a long journey to the Pridelands with Kion and his army

While Akida and Barika do the small talk Kion heard them and open his eyes and yawn

' I can't wait to see my own cubs ' Kion thought in mind and smile

"Hello Kion! Good Morning!" Akida greeted

"Oh Hello King Akida! Good Morning too" Kion greet back

"Oh c'mon just call my name" Akida said to Kion

"*Chuckle* Ok Akida" Kion said

"By the way where's your wife?" Kion asks

"She go hunt with other lioness for the breakfast" Akida replied

"So, are you have cub?" Kion asks

"Mmm... he's gone for long a time" Akida said with sad face

"Oh...I'm so sorry to ask that" Kion apologize

"Never mind, but please don't you say that word again in front of Barika" Akida said

"Why?" Kion asks

"Because she's very devastated by her only cub is gone, his name is Hami " Akida replied

"what caused him to die?" Kion asks

"He risked his life to save his mother from bad rouge lion who come to my land, I was patrolling with my guard around the land suddenly there's bird come to me and tell that Hami is attacked by a rouge lion to save Barika, I trotted to Hami and Barika with my guard as fast as I can but...*sob* I'm late, he's die before I make it, his front right leg is broken and his face full of scars from the rouge's claw, my guard chases the rouge and kill him in an instant, I walk towards Barika who lay beside Hami, I try to comfort her and take her to the den with Hami's body on my back" Akida explained

"I believe Hami is accept by the great Kings on their side" Kion said

"Yeah I believe it too*sob*" Akida said while sobbing

After chatting a few minutes Barika back and bring big male Buffalo with her hunting team

"Breakfast time" Said Barika to his husband and the pride

Kion and Akida get up and walk towards the food

The other lion bow their head when Kion and Akida through them

Before eat the breakfast Akida made an announcement

"Okay everyone, we thank to the great King of the past for this food and for peace in our land, today me and King Kion will travel to the Pridelands and The Tree of Life to help King Kion claim back his thrones from Scar, I want some of you to come with me to help defeat Scar with him, now who wants come with me and help King Kion?!" Akida said to his pride

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