Part 26 - Creating a Plan to Reclaim The Tree of Life

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The sun isn't rise yet, Kion feels someone is shaking his body from any direction

"*Groan* who's it?" Kion said open his eyes slowly, his vision is blurry from the long sleep

"Dad wake up! I want to see the sun rise today!" It's Zuberi who's shaking Kion and wake him up from his sleep

"Just sleep again Zuberi" Kion close his eyes and sleep again, but Zuberi prevent him to sleep

"Oh Dad c'mon! I want to see the sun rise with you" Zuberi said

Rani woke up from her sleep and see Zuberi nudge Kion again and again

"Dad...Dad...Dad... C'mon" Zuberi said while shake his father to wake up

"Zuberi, let your Dad sleep for a while, he needs rest from his long journey" Rani said

"But Mom I want see the sun rise" Zuberi said

"Ok, before we go you should clean first" Zuberi try to run when Rani Cath him

"*Groan* Mom...I'm clean, I just take a bath with myself" Zuberi said while Rani lick him

"Oh... Really?" Rani said with a chuckle

"Ok.. c'mon" Rani get up and nudge Kion

"*Groan* what again?" Kion open his sleep eyes

"Watch our cub, me and Zuberi will see the sunrise"

"Yeah...Ok" Kion move from his sleep place to his cubs surround them with his arm and back to sleep again

Rani and Zuberi walk out from the den and went to the top of Priderock

The sun light is start to shine and birds start to fluttering, Rani and Zuberi is on top of the peak of the Priderock now, they sit and look to the vast of green grass of the Pridelands

"Wow... it's amazing, this is my first time on the peak of Priderock" Zuberi said

"In The Tree of Life is more bigger than here" Rani said


"Yeah, there are lots of rare animals" Rani said

"Wow, I can't wait to visit The Tree Of Life" Zuberi said

"But now The Tree of Life is claimed by Scar, he's grandpa Simba's Uncle" Rani said

"Why he's so mean?" Zuberi asks

"Because he wants to be a King of the Pridelands but his wish was rejected by his father because he's the second born and only the first can be a King" Rani explained

The sun start to raising, the color of the sky change from the dark to blue orangish from the sun light

"Hey look, the sun is rising" Rani said to Zuberi

"Wow... it's beautiful" Zuberi said in awe

"This is my first time to see sunrise at the high place" Zuberi said

Nala appear from the side of rocky step and approach Rani

"Hello Zuberi, Hello Rani" Nala said and nuzzle them

"Hello Nala, what brings you here?" Rani said

"Kito, Zalika, and Shani is whining and want to suckle" Nala said

"Oh Ok"

Before Rani descent the peak of Priderock Zuberi said to her

"Mom...I want stay here for a while" Zuberi said

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