19.- After - The epilogue

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Qing Qiu and Sky Kingdom learned the news about the bad spirit and the health of the queen and the emperor very soon. But nobody could enter Taichen Palace. It had been closed. Only Zhe Yan and Zhonglin could enter freely. Referring to his friend Lian Song, anyway, he was closed in his palace being severely injured and needing rest and precautions.

After Feng Jiu regained her consciousness, she and Dong Hua needed rest, because they both were, really, deeply tired. Zhe Yan lived in Taichen Palace for several days and he left only when he was sure that neither Dong Hua nor Feng Jiu was in danger. Now, their health needed only time.

But there were also other news, that the Third Prince Lian Song had been severely injured in the same tremendous battle and, also, another high immortal was heavily injured and another one had died during the battle.


Dong Hua and Feng Jiu are walking in Taichen's garden, hugging each other.

DH: Why did you forget that this was an illusion and put yourself in such a danger the last moment?

FJ: I tried to endure it, but finally I was too weak to get over it. So the bad spirit hit me the last moment, only to take revenge for your attack, without any other gain. If I had endured the illusion, I would be fine now and you would not have lost your powers. But anyway your spirit kept me safe. If not, then I would have died now losing my soul.

DJ: Jiu'er, you were a great help, really you were. The illusions against me to lose my aim were constant, very strong and unusual, because its origin was not in this world. You helped me to clear my inner sight in that complete darkness. The pressure on all of us was extremely strong. That's why we had to face the problem like a team and not only one by one. Finally, destiny had arranged the things like this. I understood that personal relations are not always an obstacle, but also a help. A very long time ago, I made you leave, although I loved you. I am really sorry for this, but my motives were not bad. I want to make up for this.

FJ: It is not necessary. I am completely happy. You were right, that even the gods have weaknesses and can't catch the whole meaning of the things in life. If I were you, perhaps I would have done the same thing, because I always wanted you to be safe and happy. I really believe that we must face destiny with a different eye, but perhaps I would not be sure enough to face it like this.

DH: Mmm... I know you dislike Sky Kingdom, perhaps you don't want to live here.

FJ: I dislike the Sky Kingdom, but not Taichen Palace. I will live where you want to live. Don't worry. The final truth is that our heart is our real home.

He suddenly lifted her in his arms and made a circle movement laughing.

FJ: Dong Hua! You are behaving like a child!

DH: Ooh?!


When Cheng Yu learned that Lian Song was injured in a tremendous battle was terrified. She remembered his strange words before some days, as if he wanted to tell her good bye. Oh, this man! Finally Feng Jiu was right that he hid his true self like Dijun. So, she went straightly to his palace to visit him. She was the only visitor whom Lian Song accepted. She was pale and worried.

LS: Why are you so nervous? You look like a ghost... (he was joking as always).

CY: Stop the jokes! How are you? What happened?

LS: Ah, nothing serious... it was a mere accident... you know me. I am so uncaring... but this time I met some difficulties.

CY: Lian Song! It was not an accident, because also Dijun and Feng Jiu were severely injured and another one... Why are you always telling me lies and play the role of a useless...? This habit is very bad. Why do you want to fool me? Unless you want me to avoid you for ever. You had warned me that we might not meet again, I remember well, but I didn't know back then... I took it as a joke.

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