5.- The marriage

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Dong Hua Dijun entered Ye Hua's palace, in his usual imposing and unhurried way, and met Feng Jiu in a safe room, where their conversation would be absolutely private. When he saw her, he understood that she was very angry with him and everybody else.

DH: Oh, you look angry. Why? (he asked very casually, as if it was something insignificant).

FJ: Dijun, let aside the jokes. This is an important matter, but I am not willing to sell myself to anybody for the world affairs.

DH: If so, why do you want to discuss it?

FJ: Because my son is going to be the king of the Last Kingdom and my husband died because of this. I know the difficulties of the situation even better than my parents in law and I am not stupid. But you... why did you change your mind about being single for eternity? And, since you changed it, why me and not a princess from those distant kingdoms to make alliance? Most of them would agree willingly. So, I would be free from this pressure. I want to know why you accepted this marriage alliance and if there is a chance for you to change your mind and free me.

DH: Ah... It is simple enough... I know your family well and I trust them. I also know you well and I trust your character, I would never risk my life and the world's peace because of any unknown and ambitious plotting woman. You have also strong connection with your homeland and so you will not try to benefit only the Last Kingdom. And, finally, the Last Kingdom is much more near to the central badness of the unknown lands, very dangerous for the world's safety now. So, definitely... I will not change my mind.

She sighed desperately, because his explanation was quite reasonable

FJ: What if I refuse?

DH: You already know, why are you asking?... If you find me unbearable, then I must tell you that there was also another more option, Third Prince Lian Song, but he has already refused, because he has other schedules and because you are so free mannered that you could not tolerate the Sky Kingdom's rules... while I am completely indifferent to all these rules. That's all.

FJ: I cannot bear it! All of you think that the women are only for sell and exchange!

DH: But also the men are obliged to make such sacrifices...

FJ: Are you joking? The men have the right to have many wives and so they can hide their mistakes or boredom behind the abundance of options. Would you like your own woman to have many husbands and choose whom she likes more, every time she feels disappointed or bored? Mmm...?

Dong Hua wanted to laugh with her straightforward and bold thought, although he understood her well and agreed, but he had to handle the matter in the proper way. He remained cold.

DH: I had never had many women, as you know.

FJ: Alright... But if... I say if... I am to accept such a ridiculous marriage, I have some strict conditions!

DH: Oh...! I listen.

He was wondering which her conditions would be. Surely, they would be something astonishing. He was very curious. But his attitude was indifferent as if they were speaking about the weather, which made her more angry with him. It was obvious from the angry looks she gave him.

FJ: First, I don't want to have an intimate relationship with you. An alliance is only an alliance and has nothing to do with a real marriage.

Second, although I don't want such an intimate relation, I demand that you will never have another woman, legal or illegal, hidden or obvious, in the palace or anywhere else. I am unwilling to face jealousy, plots, hidden dangers and humiliation. But, if you want to have another woman for any reason, I will not prevent you, I will only have the right to ask for divorce. I want a contract about all these things. Anyway, you were always the emperor monk, as they called you, and this, perhaps, is not difficult for you.

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