7.- World affairs

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Recently, many disturbances occurred in the world, mainly between demon clans and the other clans. Dong Hua had also been informed about plots arranged by one of the distant kingdoms (the worst of all) and the demons. The bad spirit's power was gradually and steadily increasing. He invited Lian Song to discuss about that problem. Lian Song came immediately. Despite his uncaring demeanor, he was a very responsible and capable man. He headed straightly to Dong Hua's study,

LS: Oh...! Dong Hua... what... what are these noises and laughter in the garden? Your palace was usually very peaceful. I am curious.

Dong Hua looked being entertaining.

DH: It's my wife and your love...

LS: Eh...? These two are always together. They have many similarities. Perhaps, I made a mistake waiting for Cheng Yu to love me, I shoud have accepted that marriage alliance...

Dong Hua's death stare made him stop smiling.

LS: Alright, alright, I am joking. I only tested your tolerance and your feelings. You are extremely possessive. If Feng Jiu knew it, she would have been afraid and left you... But let's discuss now about the world problems.

Dong Hua described to him the whole situation and his worries.

DH: You know, all these problems in the world have their origin. This origin is a bad spirit in the forbidden land, neighboring with the Last Kingdom. This spirit's power is increasing steadily. One day we'll have to fight against it. But we must investigate its characteristics. I suspect that my wife has met it. Perhaps, she knows something about it, but I don't want her to have any connection with the matter and risk her life. I try to keep silence, not to make her interesting in it.

He sighed deeply.

LS: I understand you, but perhaps she could be a great help, giving us information.

DH: If she could remain limited only in the information, it would be good, but she wants to take revenge for her previous husband's death and protect her son. She is not a woman to be completely dependent on the men. She is stubborn and courageous.

LS: Mmm... I must tell you, she told Cheng Yu that she feels calm and safe and that your behavior is very nice to her. Cheng Yu, also, told me that she often laughs. What does it mean? I believe that gradually she begins to trust you.... Anyway, let's continue our discussion. What do you propose for now?

DH: You must collect any information you can about the situation between the clans. I will do the same thing, but mainly I will check that badness in the Forbidden Land.

Then, Lian Song left.


The next day, Feng Jiu as the queen of Qing Qiu participated in a clan leader's meeting in the Great Hall in the Sky Kingdom. In the Great Hall everybody took his proper seat. Fen Jiu's beauty was well known to everybody. But, although that was obvious, who would dare to even look more than properly at Dijun's wife?

Suddenly, a conversation began about the changes of the marriage rules in eastern Qing Qiu by its Queen Feng Qiu. She had given to the women the right to divorce if their husbands were proved violent towards them and, on the other hand, men could not punish hard or divorce their women all alone, but only if third parties of the clan could investigate and prove the women's crimes.

Feng Jiu stood up to explain her decisions.

FJ: I have investigated many occasions in my land and found out that sometimes there is a lack of thoughtfulness and a hasty decision. In fact, the new rules are not a change of the laws, but only a change of the proceedings, so that the laws can be truthfully followed without misunderstandings. Even many of the men have accepted it, because such a concern will protect their marriages.

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