11.- The second severe illness

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In the evening, Dong Hua found out that Feng Jiu had moved in the room next to his and she was already sleeping. This was good, because it was an indication that she began to trust him a little, but also bad, because it meant that she didn't feel well and steady enough. During the night, Feng Jiu woke up. This nightmare was no more a dream, but a real one. She could feel the bad spirit and its desires. A black and thick cover was over the world. Some moments she could not breath, some other ones she felt desperate. In the end, she had to call for Dong Hua. She knocked on the wall of his own room and almost immediately he appeared in her room.

DH: What's happening? How are you?

She was terribly sweating and trembling and was terrified.

FJ: I can feel it. It is around me, but it has not come for me, it is extending its power all over the world. Sometimes I can't breath.

DH: Had you been focused on it?

FJ: No, not at all.

Dong Hua hugged her. He wanted to protect her. The problem was not the psychological tension of hers, but the inner injuries, which were obviously caused by the bad spirit's enhancing power, even without her focusing on it. This was already clear to him but yet unknown to her. Finally, tonight his suspicions were proved true.

DH: Relax on me. I'll protect you. Just lay on me, you will feel comfortable and warm. What exactly do you feel or see?

Feng Jiu could not be bothered now of his hugging her. She knew it, but it was no more significant for her.

FJ: It has covered the demon area and the mortal area. These two are too visible for me to doubt. That's a great mess. Lord Canghi, I think, will need help, especially near the demon area. He is brave and very capable, but this is beyond his capabilities. These two areas must be separated as much as possible, because the demons will poison and finally use the mortals. Endless wars. That is in its mind. The demon area may also affect the rest areas with its roughness, even the gods.

She was gasping, but she continued speaking.

FJ: I have the feeling that, on the one hand, I have definitely not at all the power to defeat it, but... on the other one... for some reason unknown to me, I have the capability to hit with the necessary accuracy... that central point of its eye. What does it mean? I have trained myself too much on this point, but... this means something beyond training in action. I must begin training again. I cannot lose my power... I must think of it seriously.

Dong Hua laid on her bed, hugging her, with desperation. How could he prevent her? She was quite accurate in her understanding the situation and the spirit's schedules, because her connection with it was strong enough to reveal to her its intentions but also to affect her badly. But why this connection? He could see only two reasons: The bad spirit's hatred against her and her different character, opposite to this spirit's characteristics, that inevitably caused a clash of powers between them. He was hugging her tightly, trying to calm her agony and trembling.

DH: Calm down now. Don't misunderstand that I am here hugging you. The circumstances are special and its meaning is only this.

FJ: Dong Hua... whenever you think the conditions are suitable enough, we can divorce... free yourself.

He replied casually.

DH: Oh...! But I don't need such a freedom. I will not divorce. Why should I? I never said I want to divorce... only if the situation between us is unbearable, but, even then, I am not sure... Do you find me so unbearable?

FJ: Oh, no, no... You are a good... hu...sb...a...

She, being exhausted, fell asleep without completing her answer. He caressed her hair and kissed her birthmark.

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