18.- The final battle

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Dong Hua was playing Go with his wife. As the matter of fact, he didn't feel that he was playing Go, but that he was entertaining, whatever the result was. He thought that it would be interesting to let her win, so that he could see her reaction, astonishment, joy, suspicion that he fooled her or anything else.

FJ: Eh, Dong Hua! This move of yours was unreasonable. Don't fool me. You want to let me win. But I have my own pride! Play as if I am Lian Song.

DH: But he is not as beautiful and sweet as you are... this is a great difference!

She was giggling and commenting that he must have been very bored with his constant victories in Go.

DH: But who told you that I play Go? The truth is that I am entertaining with your playing Go. This is quite different.

She laughed at this comment and then, suddenly, stopped.

FJ: Dong Hua... I am worrying about the situation in the Forbidden Land. I felt that its power has increased to such an extent, that even you will need a help for aiming its eye accurately. I was accurate, but then it was still weak enough. I am almost sure about it.

He seemed to be deeply focused on the matter.

DH: What would you do if I say that I will not allow you to fight against it?

FJ: It depends on the explanation...

DH: If you come there, I will not be able to focus on the fight. It will also try to use you to make me surrender.

FJ: Oh! No, no! I can't bear the thought that you will surrender and lose your soul.

DH: But, the problem is not so simple, because it can, also, affect you even from afar. So, I decided that you'll remain here, but, when you take my message through your token, you will connect yourself strongly with me and my spirit to be protected. Only then you can add your ability to foresee its movements to my own ability, so that I will be able to hit it accurately. This would be a real help. Agree?

FJ: Alright, I find it reasonable.

Of course, Dong Hua had decided to lock his palace so that she can't escape. But he didn't say anything, because he knew her reactionary character.

After this discussion, life for some days was like before. He was looking at her, sleeping next to him. It was the first time in his extremely long life he was sleeping with another person so closely. She was laying in his embrace with such a trust on her face, that he felt really honored, not as an emperor but as a man. His Jiu'er... But he could not bear losing her.


Lian Song was co-working with Cheng Yu for a celebration in the Sky Kingdom. But he could not focus on this task. He was thinking that in a few days they were going to fight that badness in the Forbidden Land and only very few knew about it, the ones who would fight. He might die and never see her again. Cheng Yu asked him if he had any problem, but he didn't answer.

CY: Oh, Lian Song, what's the matter? You look very serious...

LS: Ooh... I was absentminded... Tell me... If this was the last time we see each other, which one Lian Song would you prefer to see? The playful womanizer or the serious one?

CY: The true one! But... what are you talking about? "Last time"? Are you out of your mind?

What had happened to him and made such a strange question? She was looking at him suspiciously. But Lian Song gave no further explanation. The time for now was very limited. Destiny would decide...

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